A visit in Phandalin

General Summary

Tuesday, October 15th 2019   In the morning, finally rested and aware, they awoke to Sildar having left already, leaving a note letting them know he would be found at the town masters hall. As they left the tavern, Yeemik still in hand, they finally got to see Phandilin in full.   • They gave the boxes from the cave to Linen, and promised her the safe return of the remainder of her supplies. • They spoke to Harbin Wester, Phandilin town-master, and accepted a quest to kill Orcs at wyvern-tor. • They were allowed to put Yeemik in one of the cells and Caelum pulls some useful info about some of the structure and scene behind Gundren getting captured and Sildar being in the cave. Caelum left the goblin in the cell, telling the adviser to untie him in an hour. • The group drops of the original supplies to Elmer Barthen of Barthen’s Provision, and Elmer allows them to use his now empty wagon to get the rest of Linene’s supplies • Caelum and Bob take all night and smash two boxes, but do manage to load the rest of the supplies for the lion shield coaster • Caelum drops off the supplies to the lion shield coaster and accepted payment, then him and Aur quickly pick up some supplies (Caelum a set of fancy daggers called Kukri), and they rushed to find who caused all this wreckage • Making their way on the east road heading to the mansion, they ran into a band of 4 red band ruffians. They dispatched of them, leaving a curiously sized dent in a nearby tree by the time the fight was over. Grista, the keeper of this bar, watched them patiently at the doorway with her large battle axe, to ensure no more windows were broken. • Caelum, at the end of the fight, with grace and elegance, streaked into the bar, grabbed the stray javelin, and leaped through the already broken window. • They find a tattered and torn up journal which they relized is the one Sister Graeal had taken from her. After gathering the pages, they find notes about banshee's and question marks     Tuesday, October 22nd 2019 Aur goes and hands the journal back to Sister Grael, who eventually shares what she was trying to do. She asks the players to give a go at asking Agatha, the banshee, a question.

Rewards Granted

xp 4 red cloaks (one used as a curtain)

Missions/Quests Completed

Started Orcs at Wyvern Tor Finished Gundren's Supplies Finished Lioncoster Shield's missing supplies Started and progressed Agatha's Layer

Character(s) interacted with

Spoke with Toblen Stonehill  Spoke with Harbin Wester  Spoke in depth with Sildar Hallwinter  Spoke with Linene Graywind  Spoke with Sister Garaele  Put @Yeemik in a cell under the Phandalin town hall
The adventures of intention
Report Date
23 Oct 2019
Primary Location


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