Agatha's layer Report

General Summary

Argos has since left the group, only mumbling to arondel a goodbye. Making his way north again and barely escaping goblins and a wolf, he eventually makes it back to Neverwinter. Briefly questioned by the stable master about his missing apprentice, Buson, Argos cuts into the city and gets a good nights rest in his apartment, wedged in with hundreds of others, already lost to the bowels of the lower district.   The rest of the group decided to confront the banshee that Sister Garaele had asked of them. They traveled safely down but on the last night, Blooming untied droop and then failed to notice as droop, angry had having been tied up for days in a row, fled south back into the hills.    Arondel had his owl scout the settlement before they followed suit, coming acrossed the scattered buildings that once was the small village of Conyberry. Just north of the village, there was a small footpath leading a half mile into the woods, where they found a little mound of a hut made of vines and other forest materials. Foddle and and Blooming went inside and a cold breeze shifts the air inside seemingly from nowhere. Foddle went to gather the group but as she left Blooming alone, the air shifted further and an ice crept over the walls and door of the hut. Agather spoke to Blooming for a time, but was never asked a favor. She removed herself from his vision when, in her eyes, his allies joined him to attack her. Arondel convinced the rest of the group to leave and he meditated in the room for over an hour before he felts cold, long fingers on his shoulders. Opening his eyes he did not see anything but still felt the touch and then shortly heard a raspy womens voiuce speak to him. They spoke for a while, the banshee almost removing herself from the group for the last time, due to a badly given lie about her beauty, but Arondel gives her something she could not refuse, Arondel gave her an illusion of her past beauty that was even grander than the truth. she allowed him to ask one question, and he used it to complete Sister Garaele's task. Agatha answered truthfully and let her know that the necromancer Tsernoth, traded the book to somebody in the town of Iriaebor(location). That is where she last knew of the book.    They returned to her and after questioning her on the story behind the search for a necromancers book, they eventually felt comfortable enough give her what they had found and she was content with that.   The Party then decided to check out the tower to the east. in exploring the tower and the ruined foundations around it, Blooming and Foddle turned into mice and Arondel's owl took them to the top and then down the tower. They eventually discovered that the scattered bodies they were standing around were all undead as they started to get up. and wizrd showed miself standing on the steps that foddle and blooming had been a minute ago. He paralyzed blooming for running towards his tent, but was fascinated by their mention of the banshee Agatha. =He let them go on the premise that they ask Agatha a question of his own. They left for the night but shortly returned and let slip that they had already asked agatha the question. They barely managed to leave there without a fight.    Knowing now what was going on at the tower, being Old Owl Well, they decided to make their way to the ruins of Thundertree.
Where can I find cigarettes?
Report Date
03 Dec 2019


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