
Name: Argos Age: 24 Race: Human Class: Rogue (Charlatan)       BACKGROUND   Argos was born in the small fishing village of Letaos. His mother (Naitali) died 3 years after his birth from an incurable disease, a silent killer with little to no visible symptoms. His father (Megapenthes) was a fisherman who would leave for days at a time and remembered only as being physically strong, ernest, and a man of silence.   The village was a tightly knit community wherein children of absentee parents were often raised by the elderly and by the older children. Argos' childhood years were filled with chasing friends up and down the hills surrounding the coastline and swimming in the ocean, specializing in deep diving. He has long held an obsession with beauty, image, and symbolism. He would intricately carve into planks of wood for hours at a time with a knife his father gave him. He also developed the habit of singing on the road, much to the chagrin of everyone who has to hear him.   This did not mean that life in Letaos was easy. Adults and older children of mediocre intellect and physical ability often made a point of trying to supress promising young talent. Argos quickly learned a combination of knowing the right thing to say and being part of a group could mitigate disaster, but one had to learn to throw a punch if it didn't. Argos was closley knit to three children in the village in particular: Polios, his sister Mideia, and Nikon.   His childhood was abruptly ended when Letaos was raided by pirates. Mideia, to spare herself and Polios, made a deal with the pirates for Nikon, Argos, and Argos' father's boat (the pirates rowboat having been accidentally destroyed and needing the children for hostages and labor). The pirates double-crossed Mideia, however, taking her, Polios, and Argos. Nikon, being the oldest of the boys and by far the strongest, fought back to give his friends time to escape. Only Mideia managed to elude them and Nikon was killed for his trouble.   Over the next 8 years, Argos would rise through the ranks to become a trusted liutenant to the captain Koinokos through various infiltrations and cons. At one point, he even found Polios again and initiated a fight to the death for betraying their friends. Only as Polios took his last breaths was he able to reveal it was not he but Mideia who betrayed them. Argos had amassed a decent savings and left the crew (the grounds for which are death).   He has since created a loose network of associates including: the brothers Imyos, Droyos, and Essyos (informants living in various major cities), Trovia (dealer), and Begagi (hired muscle). He took on the name Tirios (an identity he will occasionally use from time to time) and has since ran cons great and small, with the ultimate goal of staying clear of Koinokos and gaining vengence on Mideia. H     KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Naitali, Megapenthes (parents, deceased) Mideia (childhood friend, at large) Nikon (childhood friend, deceased) Polios (childhood friend, deceased) Koinokos (former captain, at large) The Brothers Imyos, Droyos, and Essyos (employees) Trovia (employee) Begagi (employee) Isitone (romantic interest, at large)   PRONUNCIATION GUIDE: Argos: ARR-GOHS; "gohs" like in "ghost" Letaos: LAY-TOWS; "tow" like in "tower" Naitali: NAY-TALEE; "tal" like in "talcum" Megapenthes: MAYGUH-PENTHEES; "thees" like in "Theseus" Mideai: MID-EEUH; "eeuh" sounds like end of "Tia" Nikon: NYE-KON; like "icon" with an N Polios: POH-LEEOHS; "ohs" like middle of "most" Koinokos: KOY-NOKOS Imyos, Droyos, and Essyos: IHM-YOHS, DROH-YOHS, and ESS-YOHS; Trovia: TROH-VEE-YAH; like "trove" (as in treasure trove) Begagi: BEH-GAHGEE; "beh" like beginning of "bed" Isitone: ISSA-TOHNAY; end is like the name "Tony" but "Tonay"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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