
General Summary

They head back in and open up the secret door to the south of the cistern and find themselves in a large chasm. They quickly run into the Nothic there and it proved to be no trouble with how many people they had managed to recruit. The two NPC's had somehow found themselves at each end of the spectrum. Grista  wasn't able to hit the broad side of a barn, though she straight threw her axe to try, while Sildar Hallwinter almost single handedly cleaned up the Nothic.   They snuck around the west end of the hideout and listened in on all the doors they could find. They then flanked and breached the mid west room and slaughtered the ruffians there. The noise quickly attracted the orces in the south room. When the orcs arrived however, they did not attack. Seeing red cloaks on everybody, the orcs found themselves confused on what they were supposed to attack. Bob convinced them to attack one of the people without a cloak, being Grista. Grista fought valiantly and did make it back to Bob, but eventually perished to the orcs.   On the way into Iarnos chambers, Caelum and Aur tried messing with Bob. Bob, showing a feat of strength and dexterity that amazed even him, he remained untouched and caelum ended up going through the wooden table   All the noise alerted Iarno though and they entered the bedchamber only to find it empty.   They find the note from the spider to Iarno in Iarno's bed chambers. They run out the southern side door to try to catch Iarno (though Iarno has used his last invisibility potion). As the night got later, they ventured out into the southern woods. Caelum found the trail going off to the east and then north up behind the manor. Aur pursued the trail for miles further while Caelum went to go find the source of the light in the southern wood. It turned out to be his fire arrow that was slowly catching a tree on fire.   Aur was unable to find further tracks up north, though he travelled through the night. Meanwhile, Caelum, Sildar, and Bob were heading back into town they came across the secret passage into the hideout and spotted the orcs they had previously decieved, running through the tunnel.   Bob tried being diplomatic with them and actually managed to get the directions to wave echo cave butmade a promise they couldn't keep by telling them they had a bunch of human meat. Bob then went invisable and though being hit, maintained his concentration on his spell and hid in the tree line. The rest of the party also successfully hid and the orcs ran off to the west through the woods.   They consulted as a party for the rest of the night and the morning. Caelum sneakily pooped on Bobs bedroll. They eventually came to the decision that they should head to Conyberry to the north east to have a go at the phantom Agatha

Rewards Granted

+1 sword inscribed Talon 395sp 265gp 22ep 75cp Five carnelians (10gp each) Pearl (100gp) Gold earring set with a tiny ruby (30gp) Five malachite gems (15gp each) Two Potions of minor healing Scroll of Augury Scroll of charm person Scroll of Fireball

Missions/Quests Completed

Cleans out the Redbrand ruffians from the Redbrand Hideout  Learns location of Wave Echo Cave

Character(s) interacted with

Deceived the Orcs into fighting with them, then caused them to attack with a mishandled bater
The adventures of intention
Report Date
12 Nov 2019
Primary Location


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