March 1st, 2020 Cigarettes Report

General Summary

-Argos Argos got up in the morning and went about his daily activities, eventually finding himself at The Cranny Granny. When Argos comes to the shelter that day, he quickly learns that Ross, one of the smaller boys, has been missing; almost as long as Argos himself has been gone. Speaking to the children, he learned that Ross went up river to the East to 'prove himself' to the other boys. Argos immediately departs, heading up the river until he came up to the treeline, and the edge of the ruined town of Thundertree.   -Everybody else The party awoke in the early morning at the east edge of Thundertree. They made their way into town with the intention with the intention of clearing any and all buildings and finding the locket in the herbalists shop. The First building that Dan barged into, housed a group of cultists in the Dragon Cult. One of the cultists found themselves under the collapsed door that Dan now stood atop of. The leader of the local cultists here was a middle aged man named Favric. They speak with the party for a time and thought the cultists do not wish to fight, they also hold loot from the ruins that they do not wish to give up.    Blooming ended the impasse by casting thunderclap. The party joined in and easily cut down the cultists. The party then headed to the North Courtyard. Dan Foddle, and Arondel all stood scratching their heads, unable to determine what the statue in the middle was supposed to represent. They went into the north east building which used to be a barracks. They killed the two cultists in the building, starting with another thunderclap.    One of the party member, past their own ringing in their ears from the thunderclap, heard a scream in another room. Dan went to investigate and found a young human boy huddled in the corner, holding his ears. He quickly realized the boy couldn't currently hear. Arondel headed to the southern room in this building where he found a dozen ash zombies. He and Dan felled all the zombies there for good. They then went and hid the boy in a southern building of the ruins and continued their eradication and search for treasure.    -Argos Meanwhile, Argos was clearing out the west end of Thundertree, in search of the missing boy. He eventually came to a hut that housed an old man by the name of Reidoth, an older human male druid. They spoke for some time and Argos learned of the dragon at the north tower. Argos was given permission to use Reidoth's bed to rest before continuing his search.   -Everybody else The party headed to the middle of town and came across heavy webbing across the road. Arondel cleared it with flames and blooming walked inside. He and the party were assailed by two huge spiders. Arondel went around the back and scorched the dozen or so Twig Blights that were coming out of the trees.    -Argos Argos awoke having barely shut his eyes, to Friedel shaking him. He indicates outside of the house 50ft to the East. Argos quickly prepped and made his way over.    -Everybody As the party fought, Argos appeared out of nowhere and cut down one of the spiders. The party quickly dispatched the other one. With extremely brief introductions, they went back and took a full rest, waking up now in the middle of the night. The party grabbed the boy and set him up to temporarily be cared for by Friedel  Blooming, without asking any questions, drank a mysterious potion and did not feel the effects of it until late into the night, where he felt immense intestinal pain like never before. When everybody body woke up, they made their way to the base of the dragons tower. They killed the other members of the Dragon Cult that were in the tower and climbed to the top of the tower where they found Buson, the missing stable boy from Neverwinter. In the distance as they looked up, they heard the low but booming roar and a green dragon few in front of the bright night sky, then headed straight for them.    Arondel immediately lifts the bound up Buson on his magical disc and lowers him 20 feet into the crumbling tower. The party heads with a huge amount of damage, almost scaring the dragon away. In a fury, the dragon spits a torrent of acid out, layering the top of the tower. The acid tragically killed blooming outright. In response, the now feral wolf version of Foddle, leaps onto the dragon from the top of the tower and kills it by cutting away at its throat.   They then brought both of the children to Reidoth. It became apparent that there was one last cult member in the area, but after searching, they had no luck finding them. Arondel went to work trying to scavenge from the body of the dragon, managing to get a 5x5 square of sturdy young green dragon hide. Foddle also got a good number of teeth, smashing the rest in anger. Foddle, Dan, and Buson went into the forest to honor and bury Blooming. They all took a moment to ponder how they might be able to bring their lizard friend back and several thought of options, but they were weeks away from the nearest possibility.    Through speaking to the children, and Foddle picking up his scent, the party also discovers that Mookali was with them until the arrival at Thundertree. The party searched around but couldn't spot anything that would indicate that Mookali was still present or the direction he went.    They decided to make their way back to Neverwinter. They brought Ross back to The Cranny Granny. Ross became quite the spotlight when Argos admitted to the untrusting boys that Ross had killed a giant spider. Then Argos made his way alone with Buson and dropped him off with the stable master at the southern gate.

Rewards Granted

Emerald Amulet worth 200gp 5x5 square of young green dragon

Missions/Quests Completed

-Got the loot that was offered to them from the woman they saved at the Redbrand hideout. -Saved the boys both from the orphanage
Where can I find cigarettes?
Report Date
02 Mar 2020
Primary Location


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