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The 'ngaragola, also known as the river mastodon or the Nármadan gnome-eater, is a large semi-aquatic animal native to the savannahs of southwestern Dreibach. Though monstrologists classify it as a non-magical mammalian beast, it is nevertheless one of the most feared creatures of the Dovrian Plains.

Basic Information


'Ngaragole have a distinctive appearance: round, barrel-like torsos, thick legs, and short tails with bristled ends. Though they appear fat, their rotund bodies are almost entirely muscle. Their peanut-shaped heads, exceedingly large even for their size, have enormous mouths that can open incredibly wide; inside are tusk-like teeth well over a foot in length, larger than those of any land animal besides the Tyrannosaurus rex. The 'ngaragola's short ears and the tips of their snouts are brownish-pink, while the rest of their body is covered in extremely thick greyish-black skin with little hair. Their skin acts as a sort of natural armor, repelling all but the most well-made spears and arrows.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like other mammals, the 'ngaragola gives birth to live young. The gestation period is roughly eight months long, and rarely produces more than one calf at a time. The calves, who already weigh over one hundred pounds at birth, nurse for roughly one year before being weaned. 'Ngaragola mothers are so protective of their young that legends among the Torch of Tygrar consider even the sight of a 'ngaragola calf a bad omen, as it means an angry mother is almost certainly nearby.

Growth Rate & Stages

'Ngaragola cows reach sexual maturity around three to five years of age, and usually stop growing by the age of ten. 'Ngaragola bulls reach sexual maturity between six to eight years of age, and continue to grow slowly throughout their lives. The largest and oldest of these bulls are believed to reach weights of nearly six thousand pounds.

Ecology and Habitats

'Ngaragole live in the estuaries and ponds around the southwestern Dreibach River, though they occasionally venture into the main river. They prefer still or slow-moving fresh water deep enough to immerse themselves in, surrounded by plentiful tall grass and cereals.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their fearsome reputation, 'ngaragole are almost entirely herbivores who graze on tall grasses and river plants. The 'ngaragola's long front teeth are used largely for territorial fights and self-defense. Unconfirmed rumors abound of meat-eating 'ngaragole who feast on carrion or even actively hunt gnomes.


The 'ngaragola is an aggressive, intensely territorial creature. It frequently charges and attacks boats in its territory and can easily capsize a lightweight vessel, such as the smaller gnomish trading rafts of the Dreibach River. They sometimes raid the amaranth fields outside Tygrar, causing them to come into conflict with farmers. Control of the 'ngaragola population is one of the core peacetime duties of the warrior patrols of the Torch of Tygrar.
40-50 years
Average Height
4-5 ft.
Average Weight
2,500-4,500 lbs.
Average Length
10-15 ft.
Geographic Distribution


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