Dreibach River Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Dreibach River

The Dreibach River is the longest river in Dreibach and the chief river of the Dreibach River Basin. It flows from Lake Roto at the edge of the Western Woods through the Western Duchy, Central Duchy and Southern Duchy until flowing into the sea in the Cuarto Porata neighborhood of Cantonova. It is both a major source of irrigation for the farmlands of Dreibach and a vital trade route for the country.


The Dreibach River is a wide, powerful river whose floodplains irrigate much of the Dovrian Plains. Important settlements along the river include (from west to east) Tygrar, Val-Nurem, Vignión, Vyamöst, and Cantonova. Outside of settled cities, both the Murder of the Mudbanks and the Swiftwater Legions live nomadic lifestyles primarily centered in and around the Dreibach River. They have long fought over the river's territory and resources.


The river is sacred to the followers of Nármada, a river goddess of the Pioneer Dynasty, who is believed to have created it. They undertake a once-per-decade pilgrimage that circumnavigates the river, never crossing it at any point; the journey takes over a year.
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