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An abjurer is a magic user who specializes in protective magic and wards. Abjuration is one of the most powerful and widely studied schools of magic, due to its many crucial uses.   Abjuration, as a discipline, can be divided into three categories: defense, deterrence, and negation. Defense is the branch of abjuration most required by any adventuring wizard; it encompasses spells such as Shield and Mage Armor that bolster a mage's often weak physical endurance, as well as spells like Nondetection and Mind Blank that shield against mental or other arcane attacks. Deterrence spells, such as Guards and Wards or Arcane Lock, serve to slow or prevent forced entry into an object or location, alert nearby guards of an intruder's presence, or both. They are less common in an adventuring context, but highly desirable in fortification. Finally, negation spells, such as Counterspell and Dispel Magic, nullify the effects of hostile magic, thus protecting the caster by allowing them and their environment to remain unharmed.



Abjurers are often hired by banks, casinos, prisons, royal palaces, and other locations that require heavy guarding, since their magic strengthens locks, sounds alarms, and sets deterrents to would-be intruders or escapees.   Abjurers and abjuration magic are also highly valued by Adventurers and others in dangerous and deadly positions. Anyone who believes themselves subject to a Scrying spell or other surveillance might avail themselves of an abjurer—either to prevent further scrying, to ward against potential future attacks from the scryer, or both.

Social Status

Abjurers are typically among the more well-respected members of the wizarding community, both within the profession and outside of it. Trusted court abjurers enjoy quasi-noble status, even in places where nobility is strictly hereditary. In contrast, thieves' guilds are known to target abjurers unwilling to work with them, since abjurers are closely associated with law enforcement.
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