Dionysus Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Dionysus is the Olympian Dynasty's god of revelry and wine. More broadly, he is a god of both the chaotic and the mundane. He is the patron god of brewers, winemakers, actors, and bards.   Dionysus is depicted as a roughly middle-aged Human or half-Dwarf man, with a wide frame, round belly, thick beard, and hairy body. His loose, wine-red robes reveal much of his chest and legs. He is never pictured without a lyre, a pan flute, a goblet, a pipe, or some combination of the four.   DIonysian worship rituals are wild, energetic, multi-day affairs, with rich foods and copious amounts of wine and other alcohols. Loud, fast music and vigorous dancing are staples of these rituals, and nudity and sexual activity are far from uncommon.   To Dionysians, anywhere people gather to drink and dance is a place Dionysus blesses. Temples to Dionysus are often established in places otherwise completely unconcerned with religion, such as on the Via Verenestra of Cantonova or in the Grand Plutonia Casino in Dancamort. The tithes to run these temples are largely generated by their small restaurants, run by the acolytes twenty-four hours a day. They serve cheap, high-calorie foods favored by drunk partygoers, such as fried eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. The quality of these restaurants, often called "Dinny's," is typically quite mediocre; nonetheless, they are popular as a reliable place for filling drunken cravings or soothing hangovers.
Divine Classification


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