Elvish Language in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The Elvish language is the language of the Elvish culture. It is highly complex and often dependent on intricate social cues. Many praise the beauty of both its words and its script.

Geographical Distribution

Elvish is the official language of Scalados, as well as one of the recognized official languages of the Aquatic Kingdoms. It is spoken widely throughout the world wherever elves live.


A notorious characteristic of Elvish is its many words for subtle differences in seemingly similar contexts. Famous examples include the wood elves' nearly forty words for the shape and quality of particular leaves, or color names that change whether one is referring to an organic or inorganic object. Social faux pas and even diplomatic issues are sometimes caused by non-native speakers who use an incorrect variant on the many ways to apologize in Elvish, for example.   For a more lowbrow example of this characteristic of the language, all of the following words are often translated as fuck:
  • kaso- (to have sex)
  • kasoro- (to screw around with someone)
  • këskena- (a more lighthearted version of the above)
  • orkáse- (to fuck someone over, to put someone in a bad position)
  • kasanë (to have been fucked over, to be in an impossible situation)
  • kasudor- (to beat someone up badly)
  • kast- (to break something; also used as a general interjection)
  • várakas (fucked something up, made a mistake)
  • kaskur- (to outsmart someone)
  • kasomitsa - (to gossip negatively; considered milder profanity)
  • à vakaset- (to ditch someone)
  • hókase- (to get in trouble)
  • fincasë- (to outwit or scam someone, to do something underhanded)
  • kas hle- (to show up uninvited, in a sense; often used in reference to humans moving into mostly-elven sentiments)
  • kas hlar- (to eavesdrop)
  • uakasan (an uncharismatic and sexually unsuccessful person)


201 Words.
Common Phrases
à mapasulca
the oft-naïve impulse of a young person to make a difference in society (lit. "they seize the roots")
midori majio
arcane magic of a corrosive or entropic nature, often used in reference to warlocks or necromancers (lit. "green magic")

Cover image: by Art by author.


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