Flimandflam Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Flimandflam are an archfey of the Summer Court in the Feywild. They are a pair of twins conjoined at the spine whose telepathic powers allow them to communicate and act as a single archfey. They often speak finishing each others' sentences. Their code of etiquette is unbearably strict, and their wrath towards those who break it manifests in some of the most creative punishments among any archfey.   Though they are intimately familiar with each other, they are so used to never seeing each other that if one sees the reflection of the other (in a series of mirrors, perhaps), they will often be paralyzed with confusion for the rest of the day.
Divine Classification


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Jan 2, 2022 14:03 by Kaleidechse

A wonderfully unique character idea! I'm curious about their code of etiquette - what would be an example for something that triggers their wrath?

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.