Feywild Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The Feywild is a plane of existence running parallel to the Material Plane. It is a realm where magic is abundant and time is non-linear, making it dangerous and difficult to navigate for planewalkers and other mortals who stumble into it.   The myriad creatures of the Feywild are known as the Fey. The Feywild's ruling nobles are called archfey, and the most powerful of these are the Archfey Regnant.


The Feywild is divided into four lands, each perpetually in one of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The River Faérie runs through it, southeast to northwest, roughly dividing the spring and summer from the fall and winter.   The Feywild is ringed by a crescent-shaped mountain range, known as The Spine, on the north, west, and south. The Rádeghrein Sea forms its eastern border. Sages speculate that these may eventually intersect with the Elemental Planes in the same way that the Material Plane does, though this is unproven.

Localized Phenomena

Locumtempus Faeroxae is the theory of the passage of time that governs the various regions of the Feywild. It is fickle, erratic, and noticeably non-linear, with different general rules in play for different areas of the Feywild.   Fermentation does not occur in the feywild, due to the lack of suitable yeasts. Thus, the fey cannot produce alcohol on this plane, and it is absent from the vast majority of fey culture. Some enjoy it as an offering, like the pixies or the archfey Arobãn. Others, like the Kitsune, cannot metabolize it and become heavily poisoned drinking only a few drops.


The Feywild is overall similar to a temperate forest on the Material Plane, with the major difference being that each court's territory exists in a perpetual state of its corresponding season. The summer is warm and pleasant, with occasional heavy rainstorms. Spring and autumn are cooler yet still comfortable, and often have gentle gusts of wind that carry latent emotional magic alongside drifts of pollen or leaves. Winter is icy and cold, though more pleasant than some extreme places in the Material Plane; it experiences frequent snowfall, but never hail, sleet, or freezing rain.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the beasts and trees of the Feywild are thought to be closely related to those found in the Gaeno Woods and Eldar Wood. Plant life seems to grow more quickly and reach larger sizes, and animals are slightly more intelligent, but most species are either the same or closely related to their Material Plane counterparts.
An unlabeled map of the feywild by the artist Isabella Giocoso.




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