Ice Cream Item in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Ice Cream

Ice cream is a frozen dairy-based dessert, made from milk or cream and sweetened with syrup, sugar, or honey. It is often topped with syrups, chopped nuts, or slices of fruit. It is traditionally served in a glass or bowl and eaten with a spoon; in some regions, it is placed between cookies or on slices of sweet bread, allowing it to be eaten without utensils.


Ice cream was invented in Y798 by traveling halfling merchants Pippa Jenn and Merry Berry. After a miserably hot week selling puddings at the Whetonstide festival in Urbana al-Svara, the two resolved to create a new type of dessert that would entice customers by keeping them cool. They worked for six months on the dessert and the magics required to keep it cool throughout the day, and returned triumphantly with their new invention at the following year's Tenser's Day ritual: ice cream. The invention was a hit and quickly spread throughout the world. Jenn and Berry later opened the world's first permanent ice cream parlor in Cantonova in Y812; the parlor still stands today, run by their grandson Benjamin Gerold Jenn-Berry.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Creation Date


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