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Mithril is a bluish-tinted metal known for its light weight, durability, and high magic sensitivity.


Material Characteristics

Mithril is a light silvery-blue metal with a slightly iridescent sheen that makes its ore easy to find against dull rock. Mithrilsmiths tend to forge it into thin, delicate forms to further take advantage of its lightness.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mithril is incredibly lightweight despite its strength. It warms to body temperature quickly, making it comfortable to wear near the skin. It holds its shape well and does not oxidize, rust, or otherwise weaken with exposure to moisture or air. Mithril holds an inherent resonance with ley lines that is further charged by regular exposure to moonlight. This makes mithril weapons and armor inherently magical; however, it also makes them difficult to further enchant.

Geology & Geography

The only known mithril deposits are in the Blue Mountains, largely within the territory of Erdelan. Both Dvargard and Straoskern began as mithril mining outposts that expanded into the resultant tunnels as portions of the mines were spent. The Impossible Wars stemmed in large part from the Kingdom of Dreibach's belief that another source might be found in the Impossible Mountains; whether or not this is true was never proven, as the wars failed to gain any territory in the mountains for Dreibach.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Mithril is most typically used to make armor, especially comfortable, lightweight chainmail. Many important diplomats and royals, particularly in Erdelan, wear fine mithril chain despite otherwise having no training with armor or combat. Mithril weapons are less common, but a Pure Mithril Blade can be used to kill shapeshifters like vampires.


silvery blue, slightly iridescent
Common State
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