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Pure Mithril Blade

A pure mithril blade is any bladed weapon whose blade is forged entirely from mithril. Such weapons, while relatively low in power and difficult to craft,   In general combat scenarios, steel blades tend to make more effective weapons than mithril blades, particularly those forged from Cypruvian Steel, Ramdailos steel, or other high-quality types of steel. While mithril's inherent lightness makes for excellent armor, lightweight blades lack the power to deliver strong, decisive blows. The majority of mithril blades are weapons that are already intended to be lightweight, sharp, and precise rather than powerful, namely daggers and rapiers. The high-frequency ley sensitivity of mithril also tends to counteract the magic of most offensive enchantments.   However, pure mithril blades are particularly effective in killing creatures that shapeshift in self-defense. If a shapeshifting creature is killed with a mithril blade, it is unable to change its form into one that can better absorb a blow. Polymorphed dragons, fuccubi and other formchanging fiends, and vampires under sunlight or in their resting place can all be slain outright with a pure mithril blade. (Mithril alloys or mithril plating make a steel blade somewhat more effective against these creatures, though this is not enough to fully interrupt their shapeshifting.)   A pure mithril blade can be further "charged" by exposing it to moonlight, with stronger moonlight or more regular exposure increasing the power of the charge. An unsheathed mithril blade left beneath the full moon overnight is suffused with radiant energy, making blows dealt against fiends and undead creatures more deadly.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
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Cover image: by Suhash Villuri


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