Warrior Monk Profession in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Warrior Monk

A warrior monk (often shortened to "monk") is a specialist in the art of combat who trains at a holy temple or, occasionally, with an individual master skilled in martial arts. The most well-known school of monk training is the practice taught in the six temples of the Wild Dynasty in Scalados.   Warrior monks differ from other types of fighters in that their extreme discipline allows them to draw power from their own Soul to use in battle, without risk of spiritually or physically diminishing themselves.



To begin the training to be a warrior monk, one must be at least reasonably physically fit (or capable of becoming so), and show a sense of discipline and a fighting spirit. In the temples of the Wild Dynasty, potential monk trainees are carefully evaluated for these factors, both by the elders of the temple and via recommendations from trusted individuals such as well-respected family members or local religious figures.

Career Progression

The course of training for a warrior monk can last anywhere from five years in most human monk traditions to 50 years in the elven temples.   It is common for a warrior monk to spend months or even years after training as an Adventurer, particularly if they have a personal quest from their master or deity to perform.

Other Benefits

It is unclear if this is due to their excellent physical condition or their intimate connection with the metaphysical world, but monks appear to age at less than half the rate of the average member of their species.


Social Status

Fully trained warrior monks are usually treated with the same elevated respect shown to any holy person, particularly in places where their religion is dominant or well-known.


In most practices, warrior monks are the rarest type of religious figure, aside from high bishops, prophets, and other extremely exalted figures.


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