Wild magics roam free, and zealots rule with an iron first. If there ever were to be a place, person or thing that could embody the term contradictory, Asterantera would be where you would be most directed towards.
- Magarch Genwald Grey
A chantry of a single court King, followed by court advisors, below them Court Knights and Generals, and Below them Court Governors. All are considered nobles in some sort, and soldiers and peasants can claim nobility in several fashions.
Public Agenda
The Government of and council of Asterntera looks for "world peace" through war mongering. The people seek freedom though expression and greater magical knowledge and experience, without restriction.
A great number of magical schools, colleges, Military schools realm renowned, and a large number of mines that produce high quality iron, steel, copper, gold, silver, and magic ores and crystals. They also have advanced technologies.
Asterntera was once the religious zealot capital of the realm, where all mannor of devote followers would gather to live under the freedom of their old god's pantheon. The Old Goddess Anemna, of magics and knowledge, lived here and the renown College and Library of Asterntera stands in her name. They oft had a runabout in warmongering, having thought that their version of civilian freedom is much better for the world than any other.
The world will know peace under one banner
- King Xhanier IV, of the Asterian Court The people will know magics beyond conventions, and with it, absolute freedom.
- Aterian Union
Founding Date
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