Assault Shock Brigade Organization in Opposition: Mars | World Anvil

Assault Shock Brigade

The Assault Shock Brigades (ASBs) are Marine units built around the doctrine of violence of action. Though their basic structure is similar to the Marine Expeditionary Brigade, all weapons, training, and equipment has been streamlined for rapid space-to-surface insertion operations and fast raids. Membership in the ASBs is certainly a goal for many Marines, but few have the right mentality for it and even fewer meet the qualifications.   The ASBs have a reputation for craziness and extreme aggressiveness, earning members of an ASB the nickname "ASBO" in reference to a civil program in the United Kingdom called the Anti-Social Behaviour Order aimed at curtailing anti-social behavior. Proving to be more than a lighthearted jab, the ASBs have lived up to their nickname by engaging in reckless actions in combat that has made their presence unfavorable to the Martian locals. TASA officials have considering banning the ASBs from operations on Mars to appease the local government.
Direct Action, Counterinsurgency
Military, Special Operations Force
Parent Organization


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