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Sa-Reshi, the Rotting King

Though Sa-Reshi is a beautiful half-elf woman, she is also openly a walking embodiment of decay, disease, and death. Where she walks, everything ages and rots. She is accompanied by her raven, Juju. She is likely the kindest of the Kings, but completely disregards safety and tends to bring new sheep into her fold by the only way gods of rot do. She is the King of 111 111 Planes, which are widely primitive and overgrown. Many of these Planes overwhelmingly worship her as a Matronly Queen of Gods and Lady of Death in their pantheons.   She leads the cults of death, the worm-faiths and the rat-worshippers. As she walks throughout the world, she rots the world around her, blight spreading from her very being and killing trees, grasses and flowers around her.   She is the Bearer of the Word Beast.

Divine Domains

  • Animal, for animals cause rot, bear rot, and rot when they die.
  • Death, for death is the ending and the beginning of the rot within.
  • Pestilence, for she is the bearer of disease and grants these gifts liberally.
  • Plant, for all in the natural realm are hers, and plants must rot to provide soil.
  • War, for she shall dance barefoot upon the corpses of her enemies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sa-Reshi's symbols are many, but the most common are her rusty Warscythe, or her companion, JuJu the Crow.

Tenets of Faith

Sa-Reshi's a kind soul to those who embrace her, and understands that those who wish her ill simply do not understand the boons she provides, the thousands of sources of life she creates from the sacrifice of a few. As she rots those around her, those who accept her become ever-closer with the children of Sa-Reshi, the maggots and worms, the rats and mice, the fungus and mold. It's not uncommon to see a servant of Sa-Reshi with maggots growing within them, or a familiar in the form of a large carrion-bird. Many become stewards of her children, devoting their lives raising them.    Sa-Reshi's gifts are many. Many embrace her as a last resort, their own villages wracked with plague and wanting an escape, any escape. Others who embrace her do so for a lust of power, consequences be damned.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Deceptively beautiful.

Special abilities

Unless she consciously suppresses it, Sa-Reshi has the ability to accelerate the decay of any living thing, within a radius around her that is as of writing, unknown. This ability is not necessarily threatening to other Demiurges, but has the ability to wipe out swathes of any mortal army.   She possesses a Key of Kings, which she uses to further enhance this power, and her martial ability.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a robe of decaying and regrowing leaves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sa-Reshi was born into a reclusive Druidic circle in a forgotten backwoods of the Universe. Although Demiurges had already been battling over the Planes for over half a millennium, like many, this one managed to remain mostly unmolested. This plane had widely been controlled by a confederation of druidic circles, stretching to all four corners of the plane. All records, including those from the Queen of Rot herself, describe the plane as a paradise of sorts.   However, Sa-Reshi did not necessarily flourish in this society. That is not to say that she suffered - rather, she simply was, just one blade of grass in a great field. However, she was overtaken by a desire for power, and an overwhelming jealousy for those above her. These toxic emotions were only exacerbated by her struggles in becoming a master of the Magic of the Wilds.   Her anger and jealousy only lead her to find more corrupted sources of power. Her silent crusade of knowledge lead her to a study of the Blight, but not necessarily in a malicious sense. Sa-Reshi viewed this Blight as a necessary evil, a part of the natural cycle, ignored by the mainstream circles for close-minded reasons and abused by the spiteful for fickle reasons. And so, she embraced the Blight, and the Rot, and her power was realised.   Within a few years, she seized absolute power over the plane, and she threw the entire plane into the Universal War in a hunt for the power that had already been tearing the Universe apart. Her home plane has stayed mostly intact as of most recent record, though it has been sealed off to only the most devout of her followers.  

Acquiring a Key of Kings

Sa-Reshi is one of two of the Seven Black Emperors who won her first Key of Kings through outright battle instead of through deceit or betrayal, alongside Baal. She would acquire it when her armies clashed with the Demiurge Trouceteius at Orasrupt's Range of Ayram on 2153 AC. Naturally, Trouceteius demanded her fealty and the command of her entire army of druidic warriors, great beasts from across the universe, undead, and more. Sa-Reshi refused.   Trouceteius' armies opened strongly, pushing back hard against Sa-Reshi's weakened and poorly organised lines. However, Trouceteius had severely underestimated the both the strength of Sa-Reshi's blight, and her willingness to sacrifice her army to win. Further, while he had heard rumours of her strength as a necromancer, the Demiurge and his generals were caught off guard when, following his army's forward advance, those they marched over rose and attacked. These unrelenting and terrifying tactics quickly broke Trouceteius' armies. Though he hoped to flee, he was quickly chased down and dispatched by Sa-Reshi herself.  

Signing the Pact

Though Sa-Reshi was a strong warrior and military leader, she was matched and even exceeded by the raw power of some of the other Demiurges that survived until the end of the war, especially Onascon and Argos, who could both obliterate swathes of an enemy army with but a thought and a gesture. Even Regalia proved a threat by herself, as even though she harnesses none of the magical power Onascon and Argos do, she is still essentially unkillable, something entire regiments learned the hard way.   She was one of the early signatories of the Sevenfold Pact, as she easily recognised that this would not be a war she could easily win.  

The Long Peace

Sa-Reshi has focused on spreading her influence as much as possible, maintaining and restoring wild spaces where she can. Recently, she has been engaged in war with a guerilla fighter known as the Bean Sidhe Queen, a being who represents the anger and corruption of the elves as they grow more and more distant from the wild spaces they know.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sa-Reshi is doubtlessly one of the most powerful Druids in the multiverse, even without an infinitely powerful Key of Kings. Following the end of the Universal War, she eliminated all Druidic Circles and Covens, excepting 13 who swore fealty. Though many have risen and fallen in the span of time since her taking power, they have nowhere near the degree of recognition or legitimacy that these 13 loyal circles have had over time. They have helped to sustain the wild places of Orasrupt, to some degree.   Addendum: Since the rise of the Beán Sidhe Banrigh, the loyalty of some of these Circles has come into question. Though seven remain firmly on the side of our Liege Lady, two have remained uninvolved, and four have aligned themselves with the upstart Queen herself. The loss of their support has been... frustrating, but will be rebuked harshly.   She leads armies to war personally. Her and her soldiers can send a city into a spiral of disease and death without once raising their swords.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sa-Reshi's forest, the Aennaneth (referred to as "The Dying Forest" by outsiders) is doubtlessly one of her biggest failures. The Aennaneth is a mostly coherent forest, but it has been ravaged by disease and rot, much of which is rumoured to be the fault of Sa-Reshi herself (see Personal History for more details on this). She and her loyal Druidic Circles have been working to sustain what is left, but no one knows how successful this has been.


Contacts & Relations

JuJu the Crow

JuJu is a large crow, always found close to Sa-Reshi's side. He is incredibly intelligent. Everyone loves JuJu. Those who do not love JuJu may fall victim to having their eyes eaten out by JuJu. Ambivalence towards JuJu may not be good for your health.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
She-Who-Rots-The-World, Witch-Queen of Thirteen Covens and Circles, Sa-Reshi of Iúr, Bearer of the Word Beast
Year of Birth
2111 FC 1199 Years old
Current Residence
Dichromatic - Dark green and muddy brown
Long, tangled, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Ruled Locations

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