Floki Mattson Character in Orbido | World Anvil
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Floki Mattson

Floki Mattson (a.k.a. "Shaky")

"Oh no oh no oh no why did I come here I'm gonna die poor..."
Floki being very freaked out by the Stampede affecting the Ardent Fields.
  A Dwarven merchant who headed towards Taladrid to set up his own business, but found a lot of ruins instead because of the ongoing crisis.   Nervous, but with his own pride and keen sense of duty and business, Floki trembled enough to produce steam during his unfortunate experience in the deadlands. He tried to make a profit by finding his surviving business's supplies and selling weapons to the adventurers hired to exterminate the monsters swarming Taladrid. Older brother of Zeff Mattson and heir to the Mattson Line of Trades he chose to try his luck at being a lone entrepreneur.
Character Location
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Date of Birth
1st of Spring
Year of Birth
508 AS 49 Years old

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