The Spiky Kelp Building / Landmark in Orbido | World Anvil
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The Spiky Kelp

"'Right ye sorry sods. Give me a strong'un, and not the tir'some type if ye like havin' fingers. How's that? Do I speak like a proper pirate?"
John Edge, ordering a drink in the Spiky Kelp
  A damp yet popular bar in Elmond's Docks, to the northern edge of Firstown. A former warehouse that has been poorly renovated countless times. It was a mostly wooden construct with frisly and spiked pillars on the outside, thus its name. It has recently been destroyed after a violent brawl between human pirates and a berserk Demon.   Its usual customers were Captain Dan Foursworth and his men, who convinced the barkeep to secretly poison the drinks when a prey has been spotted. Many foreigners fall into the trap and wake up with emptied belongings and a slit throat two blocks downtown. It was shame because the bar actually offered delicious food and moisturisers, so much so that even the famous John Edge paid a visit a few times a month.

Purpose / Function

The Spiky Kelp offers seats and beverages for the paying visitors. Most of the menu comes with a free alcoholic beverage included, inspiring further purchases at the bar stand.  While its first purpo ise is to get customers, recent years have seen the bar turn into a den of vipers. People desperate for transport at low cost enter the bar on the base of rumors, others try and become part of the pirate gang in charge.


The bar has doubled in size over its days as a warehouse. A second story was built on its older foundation, but the newer parts remain one storied.


Very rectangular, the outside walls are nonetheless warped like waves to add thickness. Inside, the atmosphere is tenser and tighter than one imagined before entering. Lots of pillars block passage between the tables and lamplights dangle from the high ceilings alongside long threads.


Built in 391 by a Midlander First Sent, the warehouse once contained salted bread and iced fruits for long travels at sea. Over time, the increase of danger on the water made travelling more suited for large caravans on land.   In 421, the place was bought for cheap by a retired privateer whose crew he rehired as barkeeps, brewers and bouncers. It was to be repurpused into a bar for the unemployed masses of the Elmond's Docks. The place met instant success.   During the Conquest, the bar served as a resistance gathering against the Empire, though the Empire's policies actually seduced a great portion of Firstown's population into surrendering and adopting their Demon overlord's rules.   By 530, it was the most popular bar to the north of Firstown, which sadly attracted the attention of pirates and gangs. Over the course of fifteen years, crime corrupted the place, and it began turning decrepit and malfamed.   In 574, however, the bar came at a brutal end when Captain Dan Forsworth, a valued criminal customer and patron enraged a certain Demon. The violence was so that the captain, his crew, and the entire building were torn to shreds. With the owners destituted, the Spiky Kelp would never recover and its wood became tinder for the next winter.
Alternative Names
The Kelp
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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