Valdebois Settlement in Orbido | World Anvil
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"We live by the Woods, earn our coin by the Woods, and die because the Chief's an idiot... What?" An unknown Valdeboisard woodsman.
  A frontier village standing near the border between the Demon Empire and Fortern Kingdom. Valdebois settlers are dedicated woodsmen who do not fear scavenging the outskirts of the Carsil Forest for its valuable trees. Its proximity to the Demons' territory is negated by the presence of the Gorge of Deloth a good distance to its west.   It is rare for settlements to exist smack dab on the doorstep to Carsil, but studies have revealled an absence of the biggest breeds of monsters in this region. The opportunity was exploited some fifty years in the past, and the village survived the stay, although the amount of inhabitants has remained low.   When entering valdebois, you will notice small walls made of mud and surmounted by a few logs that did not originate from Carsil. Those poor defense nonetheless suffice to fend off the little monsters and rodents around the village. Multiple log houses are scattered in the village, the habutants preferring to carry the logs far away from the woods rather than building within the forest itself.


The population is nigh-exclusively Human, with the exception of one Demon working as a blacksmith and two Legas bodyguards.   The Humans are all woodsmen and villagers who descended from the first settlers. As such, they are not noble born. They earn quite the prize from selling the woods harnessed from Carsil however, whose superior properties fetch a hgh price in any hands.


The village swears fealty to a Forternian Count, therefore being loyal to Fortern's throne.   A Village Chief hears the demands of the Kingdom, and leads his village accordingly.
Alternative Name(s)
The Village loved by the Woods
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location

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