A massive planet with lush habitats, and deep resources, made even deeper in brilliance by its virtue of hosting 'hallow' habitats, though locals have long named them Eclipse fields. The planet is native to a feline leopard-like race known as the ziva. The landscape can be summarized in real-life comparisons as a land between the makings of Brazil and Tanzania ~ Lush and thick rainforests, rivers, and valleys in many reaches, while flatter fields are long and arid with grasslands and deserts.
Fauna & Flora
Animals & Sapiens:
Ziva: Ziva are the natives, believed to exist in an intelligent for even longer than asuan history, yet slower moving with their lesser social systems. They conduct magic, and can be found in nearly any environment with different factors and habitats.
Gruga: A large caracal-like feline with leopard spots, thought to be a distant related link with the native ziva. Tend to be found most in jungles, but are seen in some arid ranges with sparse trees. In rare cases they can be taught and domesticated like dogs, but many incidents and tempermental issues occur in heavy social environments.
Ysretti: [yis-rett-ee] A sometimes very large, blind serpentine creature that uses odd sensitive frills to detect prey. Varieties come in forms of a mid-small Red Ysretti (desert), small venomous Moss Sretti found all over the jungle, and the great people-eating Ground Ysretti that patrols jungle floors.
Frenga & Srenga: Also called a fox-roo by aliens. Tends to have a fox-like head, while a large muscular and fluffy body with strong hopping legs, and a coarse tail. The Srenga is the slightly smaller, short-fur arid land variety. Both may converge and be seen in plains and fields. Both varieties are able to be domesticated, with Fregna steeds able to be ridden, and Srenga able to support mule-like work and follow delivery paths.
Tsutzik: Invasive termite insect species thought to have taken off by accident from Cauven. Despite this, some cultures have learned to harvest its honey, and celebrate it.
Nout: A set of black birds found in the jungles, famous for their name-like bellows. There is the Blue-billed nout with an almost full blue toucan-like beak, a blood-nose nout with red splotches on a similar blue beak and smaller size, and then the Gleam Glider that is smallest and is often found with a reflective black beak sheen gliding out in sunlight, and more explorative of plains. It is said they're delicious, but bad fortune comes to those who over-hunt them.
Chux: In two varieties. A bush chux is a small, often brown or gold flightless bird that still can gain air-time with flutters. Its famous for a long 'lunging' neck, and a silly 'dance' it does with it. A late but false alien rumor is that their name was derived from young Ziva chucking them to each other for sport. While bush chux can be mean at times, they've also been symbolic with playful mischief, or even following ziva and enjoying group company. The King Chux is a much larger bird, closer to equal with people. Its a hefty and somewhat plump bird, with aggressive flaunting feathers and a painful bite. While both formats are enjoyed for their meat, a king chux has actually preyed on Ziva as well, or can be said to bring bad luck when predators follow and wait for it to make a kill first before descending on others, or moving into the area for a while. Some aliens have labeled the birds "Jafiian Chicken" by association.
Burrok: A four legged semi-aquatic animal with webbed claws, a long fluked tail, and a narrow elongated jaw on a craned neck. Compared equally to sharks as much as it is to gators, and neither really a foul misrepresentation. The critter has been feared and revered by more river and sea-side ziva groups. Its been found unsually taking up habitats in underwater and land burrows, able to dwell diversely in both its domains. In ancients, ziva of more dry and warm lands would mystify the tales they heard of these creatures, and lived a life of never seeing them. Its a superstition still persisting with some, especially cubs, that the creature has teleporting magic or that having bodily parts assists with mastering Lunar Arts.
Billaluk & Biggalu: Also sometimes called The Billed Burrok. The Billaluk is a lake and river inhabitant with a bill, that loves to eat plants, loose grass, and snap up water-side insects. It looks remarkably similar, but modern investigation has only found covergent evolution to answer for it. The Biggalu is a far larger beast that is genuinely related to its smaller bill friend, and is sometimes as big as a river boat, while quite docile (or even "funny" and attracting cub attention)
Spyna: A mid-sized canine. Its fierce for its actual use of magic, able to warp and disturb its rough shape/aura for striking fear into bigger creatures. They have a shaggy build of often black or charcoal-gray fur, and a lean body, with loose back hairs that tend to spike or frill-out a bit, and a long whip-like tail ending in a little spike. Their long snouts easily show very fierce teeth, and they often follow King Chux and steal their kills. A smaller tan-to-blonde desert variety exists with short hair, and a receded jaw, almost taking a more lion-like appearance, but works with less magic - regionally called a Qiitr, but known out of regions as a Gold Spyna.
Krazza: "Jafiian Crane" is an apt name for them. A colorful silvery bird on long legs, and a fishing beak, often hanging by shallow waters, or exploring drenched areas after a rain. One of the few natural mages though, they can actually cloak and go invisible. Often a peaceful bird, their eggs are desirable treats, and its said their wrath is incurred easily by being caught.
Plant Life
Fapilla Tree (mostly its sunny variant) has been planted, and known to grown fruit in some regions.
Tipo: A land growing kelp-like plant, known for moist leaves that can be savored as they grow and get picked, or be steeped in a number of soup and broth recipes for a subtle silky flavor. Yellow Tipo plants tend to grow in special soils, and be considered either extra sweet or bitter depending on the right time and conditions to pick them.
Rujjate: [roo-jah-tay] A strange barbed bush with rubbery leaves, able to grow and spread even on special soil-beds in higher elevations. The leaves can be chewed on for stimulation, or even be used to make a smoking powder, but the most famous product is a Ruby Fruit that flowers in. Formerly called a Rujja Paw, aliens gave it a name that stuck better, for its dazzling ruby colored peels that can be pulled back by hand/paw, to eat a purple fruit under.
Zivaya: A vine that grows common in jungles, with flowering plants that glow a yellow-to-green hue in pedals, with a dark pistil that has long been said to resemble ziva eyes - hence a similar name. Its also since been a common zivess name. The vines tend to glow bright off of even a minimal source of light to reflect, and its flowers always glow in the dark, and are often used to mark paths in civil areas.
Red/Honey Purlik: An oak-wood like tree with dense bark. Its weird scent can deter some animals, but its said to have a rich flavor in the bark. Honey Purlik is a silvery-to-almond toned tree, and pealing bark off and licking on it is often practically a candy to the ziva, and gets its name from making many purr while they enjoy it. However Red Purlik has its name more clear in image, and is actually spicy and unpleasant to quite a few, while a rich ingredient in some dishes.
Kofenna Plant: A large bush, almost like a small and stout tree in its final stage, with long hanging berries with an odd seed to them. Its been used to compliment the booming coffee industry, and is frequently found in such fields. It grows naturally in dryer soils. While found in wetter lands, it is said to ruin the flavor and lifespan, but has been adapted in more modern times to rest well in tree-top gardens when cared for by careful farmers.
Kellako: An infamous "weed" by some accounts, found in most environments. Its a flower-like development that grows large red bulbs with a hard shell, and when bothered or hit by bad wind, they burst open with a yellow pollen. It easily chokes up many people as a defense mechanism, but in large quantities has been a proven poison, and collected for lethal doses. Kella tea has become slang to describe something of bad intent.
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