Ravhanna Danlathan Character in Orden | World Anvil

Ravhanna Danlathan

As a young and rather carefree elf with too much curiosity and a considerable amount of wanderlust, I was either given, inherited, or found a cursed object. My subsequent ruin delving has been born out of a desire to rid myself of the cursed object, which must either be returned to a lost ruin, or the key to finding out how to rid myself of the object is to be found in a lost ruin.     From a Vineroot Woods on the east side of the Orden. First solo ruins exploration was in Talog Hills in the nearby foot hills that is relatively well known but you wanted to practice your scribing of the giant's language. You happened to reinterpret a couple of the ruins which lead you to a secret compartment that no one had found before. You deftly opened it and feeling so proud that you had found something hundreds of others had missed that when you found the Toadstone you didn't think twice about putting it on. Once you learned of the Toad's curse you started to explore any ruins that are near water or devoted to water gods. After half a dozen ruins in the last 20 years have not turned up where the Toadstatue belongs. But it has moved you further West that you ever have been. You heard that there is an elf in the forest settlement of Hamadar that has rare and hard to find books. You are hoping that maybe one of the books will help you find the ruin where the Toadstatue belongs.


Ravhanna Danlathan


Towards Aposi Dundreth

Aposi Dundreth


Towards Ravhanna Danlathan

Aposi Dundreth (spouse)

Cover image: Storm Giant by Ruben SMit


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