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Church of purity

The church of purity strives to the purify the soul of all people.

Public Agenda

Purify the people.

  There are seven deadly sins that pollute the soul of all people:
  1. Wrath
  2. Lust
  3. Envy
  4. Gluttony
  5. Sloth
  6. Pride
  7. Greed

One has to abondon this sins and atone for past sins. The ultimate atonement is kill yourself and hope for a graceful judgement of Narlis


  • The religion was founded by Raliol in the year 1386
  • After the death of Raliol and the resurrection of Narlis the leadership of the church was handed over to Sindril
  • The church governs Elfmonia since 1391


The fellowers of the church of purity all were hoods of pure white.

Granted Divine Powers

The immunity against fire and supernatural knowledge was granted only to Raliol. Actual Narlis channeled his power through Raliol and therefore granted him his powers to prepare Narlis return.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
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