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A small little flower with starteling red leaves with a lot of potential. Some people know of the hallucinogenic power of this plant.

The Church of purity cultivated this flower. In combination with the magical powers of Narlis this drug could be used to make almost everyone believe everything. The church used this drug to make people believe in their own disgrace and that they would have to kill themselves. This drug was therefore a key ingredient in the rise of the cult. They even tried this trick on Ismira Oakear during her trial but were hindered by the Adventurers.


After the death of Narlis the Church tried to replicate the effects with quite some results. They used the drug on their own kind to make them more powerful and to create mighty warriors which could break the siege of Amera. Due to the complete destruction of Narlis the drug lost its magical potential and the experiments failed.

Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Owning Organization


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