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Dwarves are a folk of small and robust creatures. They are often calles the folk of earth and warfare. They have a rough nature in speech and humor. They are uncomparable craftsmen but they can't swim.

They love to fight and can life up to 250 years. Most dwarves are blood thirsty and hot tempered. They are structured by clans which all are related to some kind of metal. This kind of metal is used for their weapons, their armor and their ornaments. Actually most war tools are out of steel but are colored or decorated by the cohort's metal.

The dwarves do not only war fanatics, they don't back down from any fight. After a fight they wash themselves in the blood of the fallen enemy. Some even eat the flesh of their opponent. However this is not a act of cruelty. Their honor and the honor of their cohort is to themost valueable to them. In their eyes this kind of treatment honors a fallen enemy. Futhermore they perform brutal torture rituals. The longer a warrior can withstand the torture the more honor he earns for his cohort.

They also also great crafters while they are mostly concentrate on stone but also copy a lot of knowledge from the gnomes.

250 years


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