
...two years since the Valley closed its ways to the people. I can only hope that our great fortune in surviving this long here remains for the time we need it.
— excerpt of a diary entry from researcher Daron Hardrun
A small research colony in the Genrir region. From here, expeditions are led to the Sky's Wrath, to investigate and learn about the unusual natural phenomenon.  

Knowledge is Power

The core function of the settlement was to serve as a hub for researchers - primarily those who have heralded from the Jakr region to the north. In recent years, the location has developed into a residential area as well, due to the passages through the Lenako Valley becoming too dangerous to travel. Fortunately, there was enough variance in talent for those stranded to establish the small colony and survive.  

Surviving the Sands

The most troubling task for the settlement was finding a reliable source of water. When first established, the residents would double their research expeditions as water-gathering missions from the Sky's Wrath, which has water flowing in from the Orian Sea. After a year and a half, by pure chance, one of the researchers discovered a channel of water flowing directly under where the colony is located. A well was constructed within a few days.
For food, the settlers send out hunting parties. Only those who have experience in combat, of any form, are allowed in these groups. The hunters use spears, fashioned from sand hardened and shaped by magic. On several occasions, the settlement has spent days at a time on empty stomachs.

Safety in Isolation

Banti is not well-defended; there are no walls around the settlement, and the vast majority of the researchers living there have little to no experience in combat. It is the location (and perhaps luck) that keeps the residents safe. Heruko's citizens prevent creatures from the Cradle straying too far inland, and any creatures that have been sighted and observed within the areas of the Wrath, the Valley, or even the Trickster's Peaks, are noted as territorial, and have rarely strayed far. The people of Banti believe themselves safe, though they remain wary on their expeditions to the Wrath.  

Home for All

While the core force of Banti's residents are stranded intellectuals, there are a few individuals that have also taken refuge due to its relative safety. Few stay for long, often moving on to other settlements in the area, but one family of lizardfolk, found in one of the Wrath's craters, have remained, and continue to help out where they can.
Founding Date
1607, 28th Day
Alternative Name(s)
Base for the Arcane and Nonpareil Trade of Ik'the, Big And Nice To Inhabit
Outpost / Base


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