
Occidalis is a large landmass west of Orienta. Dubbed by The Siar Conclave, the indigenous inhabitants have no name for the continent. A exploratory mission from The Conclave arrived at The Meztica Archipelago from Cymara in 198IE only to find a Syamese fort already established on the isle of Moro.   Beyond the entrance to Chatri's Passage, Occidalis is unmapped. Limited Conclave accounts exist describing the composition of the lands past the great trade spire of Huehcapan, but recent efforts have been made by the local research contigent to begin exploring the newfound continent.    

Occidalis – A General Description of The Floating Islands and Surrounding Regions

  This monograph in its original form has been deemed inappropriate for circulation by the authority of the Conclave Research and Development Oversight Committee, as the process of its writing and publication deviated significantly from standard accepted practice. Information deemed sensitive has been placed under Geass and has been redacted, and access is only available to certain members of certain Houses. If you have no knowledge of this protocol, YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT THE GEASS. The author and associated persons have been reprimanded accordingly, and their identities redacted in line with relevant protocol. Nevertheless, the Committee has deemed the non-sensitive information as valid insofar as to the factuality of its content and has graciously made this modified publication available, both for its utility as a monograph and as a demonstration of the consequences of deviating from standard procedure. Inquiries may be directed to the Committee’s Office of Information Access. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT THE GEASS.  
  Cite this article as: AUTHOR REDACTED (144IE). ‘Occidalis – A General Description of The Floating Islands and Surrounding Regions as of writing’, Geography Monography, 384 (11), pp. 113-116.   Though the Siar Conclave remains the foremost academic and trade hub of Orienta, this position is at least partially due to Cymara’s monopoly on trade with Occidalis, which is estimated to contribute to a full 12% of the Orientan luxury economy as a whole (Keela, Seynera & Futz 134IE). Recent developments regarding the relationship between the Siar Conclave and nations throughout the Sutran region ([REDACTED]) have thus spurred a necessary review into the current state of knowledge regarding the lands to the west of Siar.   Laying to the west of Orienta and east of the Sutran region, records suggest that Occidalis (literally ‘Western Elven lands’) was first discovered by Elven nations in 2386 EA (Calenia 2390EA). However, recent re-evaluations of historic mythologies regarding [REDACTED] suggest that a connection between what are now Orienta and Occidalis has existed since the Age of Gods ([REDACTED]), which clearly reinforces the historic ties between the two lands under Elven stewardship (Isilda 15EA). Nevertheless, the existence of this knowledge is yet more evidence of the Elvish place as foremost in the world, by the will of Halenth and Lorenth.   Surrounded by massive, continent spanning storms, labyrinths of whirlpools and vortices, and deadly sea beasts of massive scale (Calenia 2390EA, Isogard 121IE) Occidalis has remained inaccessible to all but a select few Sutran traders for millennia (see Chuan & Tsung 114IE). These natural barriers have closed off Orientan understanding of the region since records of westward exploration have existed (Asteria 140IE) and are hypothesized to be the will of Halenth and Lorenth manifest (Isilda 15EA).   The lands themselves are an arcanological marvel, with numerous testimonies from traders and explorers alike describing a vast tropical archipelago of floating islands levitating almost 15,000 ft in the air (Solus 132 IE, Asteria 140IE, 141IE). Previous recorded attempts to map these islands have all ended in failure (see Artrust 15IE, Hong & Eucharest 78IE, Solus 132IE) as the islands float from place to place over time, presumably following various unseen arcane currents flowing throughout the region. The mechanism behind the actual floating component of these aerial isles is unknown, though speculation by Isilda (15EA) suggest that the powers of Halenth and Lorenth must be responsible in some capacity. The floating islands are occupied by a vast diversity of Insectoid societies, arrayed into complex eusocial hives not dissimilar to ants or bees (Solus 132IE). As of writing, over 1100 unique hives have been identified, of which it is estimated only account for ~40% of the theoretical total amount of hives in the floating islands (Bertracia & Isogard 126IE, Solus 132IE). The cultural practices of these hives are remarkable, in that each hive is both homogenous and diverse. That is, individuals within the hive must ascribe to the cultural practices of the hive, but the hives themselves are highly diverse in philosophy and ethos, in some ways mirroring the Conclave’s own Noble Houses in a quaint but inferior fashion that aspires to, but does not achieve, the advanced social practices of the Conclave.   Though somewhat less fantastic, the conventional island archipelagos resting on the seas of Occidalis are no less complex and fascinating. A dizzying array of hundreds – if not thousands – of islands rise and fall out of the seas of the region, resulting in an unmappable, ever-shifting seascape (Bertracia, Castania 126IE). The mechanism behind the creation and sinking of new islands is likewise considered to be the powers of Halenth and Lorenth (Isilda 15EA). Civilisation yet endures, however, and these islands are populated by a familiar people - Beastpeople. The Beastpeople of Occidalis are aesthetically highly divergent from those encountered in Orienta or Sutra (see Eucharest 94IE, Bertracia 115IE, 126IE, Castania 127IE), with cultural and physiological patterns appropriate to their tropical environs. Resembling many indigenous fauna, the Beastpeople of Occidalis are well-adapted to their seemingly precarious positions on the sinking islands, as records of their civilisational and cultural practices by Bertricia (126IE) and Castania (127IE) show evidence of a deep barbarity that cannot appreciate the arcane gifts bestowed upon them by the sacred powers of Halenth and Lorenth that is typical of beastmen.   In particular, the presence of Beastpeople across all known continents of the world suggest a deeper infestation of beastmen savagery across the rightful domains of the children of Halenth and Lorenth, which must be tamed and guided to the true light of Knowledge and Wisdom by the Elvish peoples (Isilda 15EA). This speculation is, however, extremely well-known, and thus should be accepted as the current state of knowledge regarding beastmen. Though information is scant, personal testimony by [REDACTED] also suggests that the Conclave has no presence in Occidalis in any capacity. The thought of a permanent research base in Occidalis is exciting, as it has the potential to yield significant scientific and magical benefits to the Conclave, but such things are beyond the current capabilities of the Conclave. That said, the testimony of [REDACTED] regarding [REDACTED] is somewhat troubling, as it suggests the possibility that there is nothing interesting in many parts of Occidalis, so going there is pointless.   Of note is that, over the course of this review, previous iterations of monographs and documentation regarding Occidalis, and indeed many other sources regarding the peoples of Orienta and Sutra, have been found to be considerably correct regarding their treatment and portrayal of local peoples, customs, and religions. Many documents had primary sources and reliable information, in particular not requiring significant focus on eyewitness testimony and in-person observation due to the reliability of the methods of original sources. It is gratifying to see the Conclave’s documentation and academic integrity to be so robust regarding areas not typically explored by the Conclave’s mages and researchers. Access to information regarding these topics is likewise unnecessary for many, and can be granted to all who require it, which is good for the requirements of transparency and applicability in academic discourse. Though this monograph was incepted as a cursory overview of the state of knowledge in the Concalve regarding Occidalis, and has indeed accomplished this, the author nevertheless has found cause to examine the Conclave’s protocols and standards procedures regarding foreign entities and peoples, and has found these protocols to be correct in their conduct and capability, and thus advocates for the continued usage of and adherence to these protocols to further our knowledge into the world around us.