Occidillan Beastmen

Occidillan Beastmen is a loose term dubbed by The Siar Conclave encompassing the varying sentient mamallian races inhabiting Occidalis.

Basic Information


Account from Conclave Occidllan Journal 200IE Issue #2   Despite their diverse origins and adaptations, Occidillan Beastmen share a fundamentally humanoid structure. They typically stand erect with two arms and two legs, facilitating complex tool use and manipulation. The appearance of Occidillan Beastmen varies widely across the continent, reflecting adaptations to local environments and possibly genetic intermingling with indigenous mammalian species. Generally, Occidillan Beastmen maintain a consistent overall size and physical stature across different locales. This ensures they can effectively navigate and survive within the tropical and often challenging landscapes of Occidalis.   Each Beastman race displays distinct animalistic features that set them apart. These adaptations may include fur covering their bodies, varying coloration resembling local fauna, claws or talons for climbing or defense, enhanced senses such as acute smell or hearing, and in some cases, even bioluminescence.   The Occidillan Beastmen exemplify a harmonious blend of humanoid intelligence and animalistic adaptation, thriving within the dynamic and biodiverse landscapes of Occidalis. Their ethnic diversity makes them both a testament to nature's ingenuity and a compelling study for those within the Siar Conclave.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens beastalis
Geographic Distribution