Perch Above the Treetops

Perch Above the Treetops is a Tabaxi citadel nestled in the southern Browntail Range in east Alamani. It overlooks a town simply known as The Perch.


  • 90% Tabaxi
  • 10% Other (Limited to the town)
  • Defences

    The citadel lies on a large plateau jutting out of the Browntail Range, with a long steep track snacking up its slopes to the citadel's gates. Its walls are constructed from Sandstone and merge into the surrounding peaks. Assaulting forces find themselves having to scale the steep slopes of the plateau, a fact that is easily exploitable by the cunning Tabaxi defenders. Any attacker would be faced by a miriade of traps as well as relentless arrow barrages during their ascent.


    Perch Above the Treetops is the traditional safe haven for the Tabaxi in times of strife. It is said when gods and dragons still roamed the east, the Tabaxi of old found safe refuge within the citadel's walls as apocalyptic destruction ravaged the surrounding land.

    Points of interest

  • A large step pyramid in the centre of the citadel serves as the keep. It is surrounded by smaller satellite pyramids which are used as temples by the area's residents.
  • Tourism

    Many Tabaxi make pilgramiges to the Perch Above the Treetops both for its religious significance, and to gaze upon the ancient bastion that has ensured the survival of their species.


    The primary building material of the citadel is sandstone.
    Founding Date
    Unknown - Supposedly pre Elven Age
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Perch
    10,000 (Including the town)
    Location under