Skirmish in the Montagne foothills

The Skirmish in the Montagne foothills took place in Midharvest 201IE in the hills north of the Farraigean village of Montagne, at the base of the Khelreach Range.

The Conflict


After word of the Reaver raid on Montagne reached Fairesoir, Queen Alayana of Farraige charged Lord Alphonse de Cala to seek out and destroy the reaver force pillaging the northern Farraigean countryside. Lord Alphonse mobilised his personal retinue and immediately rode north in an attempt to decisively engage the warband.

The Engagement

Lord Alphonse's outriders spotted the Reaver warband about 30 kilometres north of Montagne, nestled at a camp within the foothills of the Khelreach Range. Lord Alphonse mustered his cavalry, aiming to catch them by suprise. Unfortunantely, the warband's Canodemons caught the scent of the horses and they were able to prepare for the assault. Lord Alphonse's knights were met by a volley of crossbow bolts and a sturdy shield wall and were forced to abort the charge. Instead, Lord Alphonse deployed his dismounted Men-at-Arms and met the warband head on.   Lord Alphonse's heavy infantry engaged the warband in a short, bloody melee, with three of his men being ripped to shreds by a Canodemon before it was surrounded and killed. The warband, whom had ventured out from the mountains as a raiding party and not intending to fight a pitched battle, begun to disengage, losing half a dozen dwarves as they did so. Lord Alphonse once again led his cavalry into the rear of the retreating Dwarves, but the horses were scared off by Canodemons before they could inflict heavy losses on the routing warband.


The Farraigeans route the Reaver forces, however they are unable to encircle and destroy them.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Midharvest 201IE
Conflict Result
Farraigean Tactical Victory, Reavers withdraw successfully


Retinue of Lord Alphonse de Cala

Led by

Khelreach Reavers


  • 36 dismounted Men-at-Arms
  • 15 Mounted Men-at-Arms
  • Warband approximately 45 strong
  • 4 Canodemons
  • Casualties

  • 12
  • 10 Dwarves killed
  • 1 Canodemon
  • Objectives

  • Track and Decisively engage a warband of the Reavers of Khelreach
  • Withdraw back to the Khelreach Range and avoid decisive engagement