
Elves are a graceful and ancient race known for their longevity, wisdom, and connection to the natural world. With pointed ears, slender builds, and an otherworldly beauty, elves are often seen as paragons of grace and elegance.   Mysterious and enigmatic, elves have a deep reverence for nature and the arts. They are skilled craftsmen, accomplished mages, and formidable warriors, with a rich cultural heritage that spans millennia.   Elven society is often divided into subraces, each with its own unique characteristics and customs. High Elves are renowned for their mastery of magic and scholarly pursuits, while Wood Elves are skilled hunters and trackers who live in harmony with nature. Dark Elves, or Drow, dwell in the depths of the Underdark and are often associated with intrigue and malevolence.   Despite their long lives and storied history, elves are a dwindling race, with many of their ancient cities lost to time or overrun by other races. Yet, they endure, their resilience and wisdom guiding them through the ages as guardians of the natural world and keepers of ancient lore.

Basic Information


Elves typically resemble humans but with distinct features such as pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes, and slender builds. They are known for their graceful movements and elegant features.

Biological Traits

Elves possess keen senses, including sharp vision and acute hearing. They are naturally agile and dexterous, making them skilled archers and swordsmen. Many elves also have a natural affinity for magic, particularly High Elves.
Common subraces of elves include:
    High Elves: Known for their mastery of magic and scholarly pursuits.
  Wood Elves: Skilled hunters and trackers who live in harmony with nature.
  Dark Elves (Drow): Dwellers of the Underdark, often associated with intrigue and malevolence.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature at a slower rate than humans, reaching adulthood around 100 years of age. They remain youthful and vigorous for much of their lives and can live for centuries or even millennia.


Elves are often depicted as wise, aloof, and introspective, with a deep appreciation for beauty, nature, and art. They value freedom and individuality and often pursue personal goals over societal expectations.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves have delicate facial features, including high cheekbones, pointed ears, and almond-shaped eyes. Their eyes come in a variety of colors, often reflecting their subrace and heritage.

Average Intelligence

Elves are renowned for their intelligence and wisdom, often surpassing that of humans and other races.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elves commonly speak Elvish, a melodious language with roots in the fey realm. They may also speak Common and other languages depending on their cultural interactions.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves have varied relations with other races. They often maintain positive relations with humans, dwarves, and other humanoid races, though their interactions with orcs, goblins, and other traditionally hostile races may be more contentious.
over 1000 years
Average Height
Elves are typically slender and agile, with average heights ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall.
Average Weight
Elves are typically slender and agile, with average weights ranging from 100 to 150 pounds.
Average Physique
Elves are known for their lithe and graceful physiques, with well-defined musculature despite their slender frames.