Emberglow Iris

Crafted from the very essence of a fey creature that danced among the fireflies and embers of the Feywild's great bonfires, this eye glows with a vibrant, fiery orange hue. When the light catches it just right, one can see tiny flames dancing within. Once embedded in a socket, the Emberglow Iris allows its bearer to perceive and harness the primordial fires of nature itself.
  Flame's Insight: When attuned to the Emberglow Iris, the wearer can see sources of natural fire, such as campfires, forest fires, or torches, even if obscured or hidden. They also gain the ability to determine the source or cause of any natural flame within 60 feet.
  Pyre's Touch: The wearer gains the ability to cast Produce Flame at will, without expending a spell slot.
  Dance of the Feyfire: Once per long rest, the wearer can cast Flaming Sphere as a 2nd level spell, without requiring any material components. The summoned sphere resembles a dancing fey spirit wrapped in flames and emits an otherworldly glow. The DC for saves for abilities and spells using this item is 15.
  Flare's Empathy: Whenever the wearer is within 5 feet of a natural fire source, they gain temporary hit points equal to their character level. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour or until depleted.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Installation: Embedding the Emberglow Iris requires 1 hour, and the procedure can be quite delicate. Once fully embedded, it functions as a regular eye, albeit with its unique fiery hue and magical properties.


Salamander in the Rift of Plane of Fire near Scouts Camp.
Item type


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