Pygmy Tabaxi

Pygmy Tabaxi, a diminutive and agile offshoot of their larger kin, embody a remarkable speed and elusive nature that defines their existence. Standing at a fraction of the size of standard Tabaxi, these feline humanoids have seamlessly adapted to life in dense jungles, drawing inspiration from the elusive Quicklings of the Feywild. Adorned in fur with vibrant patterns reminiscent of the exotic flora surrounding them, Pygmy Tabaxi move with uncanny grace, leaving barely a trace of their steps.   In moments of dire need, they can tap into latent fey energy, invoking their "Extreme Speed" ability to become a fleeting blur on the battlefield. Although physically more fragile than other Tabaxi, their dexterous agility and natural aptitude for stealth make them unparalleled hunters and scouts amidst the dense foliage they call home. Legends whisper of a mystical connection to the Feywild, adding an enchanting touch to the tales of these swift and elusive jungle dwellers.