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The Shaping of Orion

Once a star with ambition, Sinoril, brightest of the light, sought more than mere existence. (Sinor meaning Lord, il being basis or foot) He felt empty among the stars and sought to fill the void of space with value. A value so great it had to encompas and grow, live and die, be and not. For shining light has no meaning if there is nothing in it's reflection, or so was the belief of the star. So Sinoril started, by reflecting around himself, sacrificing pieces of starlight to fascilitate existince. Sinoril named them his children, as there were five. Nova the eldest and most powerful of his children, Orga the shaper and builder of intricate systems, Ravan the most energetic and eager of the five, Io the child most in tune with the nature of her father, and Oban the youngest child who above all valued the inpiration and wisdom of his siblings. These were the first planets, pure and new, in a wanting universe. While these planets were without the starlight of their parent, there was still much power in them. So much so that they too were able to sacrifice parts of themselves in order to create, shape and erase existence, or at least parts of it.   Nova, as the eldest and most powerful of the five, sought to reach her full potential, to prove her worth as Sinoril's prime creation. She coveted all that was not her's and sought to be the first in reaching perfection with her creations. Orga was strict, in creation and shape, seeking to align or connect all that he could. This lead to symetry as well as static, a harsh contrast with his siblings indeed. Ravan had been quick in his shaping, but often too temperamental. While he was a marvel to behold, he held nothing but unfinished ideas and tastes of concepts. Io had been the odd one of her siblings, yet most beloved by her father. She displayed diversity and wonder, a creation of harmony, but not as static as her older brother. Oban was clearly the youngest creation, as his wonder for other's creations knew no bounds. Determined to discover all creation had to offer, his developments were enchanting, varying from impactful to subtle in the most extreme forms.   Overcome by Sinoril's creations, the surrounding stars desired to contribute in the creations of the five planets. While there were many celestial bodies surrounding the system, there were thirteen greater than the others, rivaling Sinoril in both size and power. Oryx, second-greatest after Sinoril, gifted the five planets a breath of life. This resulted in the creation of many races among the planets. Elves spawned on the planet of Nova, seeking perfection in everything, as was the nature of their creator. Dwarves emerged on Orga, valuing symmetry and structure in their lives as well as their surroundings. Ravan birthed the Faery, a plethora of wonderful creatures, each more mesmerizing than the last. Although marvelous to behold, these creatures were few in number, largely unique and had trouble finding purpose. On Io flowers bloomed and animals grew out of them. While their variety was even greater than Ravan's Faery, their purpose was often simple and they had much less agency than the races of her siblings. Last came Oban, who fathered the Symelin (later named "Halflings" or "Simple-folk") with the gift of Oryx. Simple yet refined creatures, who wished for nothing more than to live and be left alone. However, after tinkering with life for the first time, Oban grew a taste for it and along with Symelin, created dragons. Fearsome, magnificent and highly intelligent creatures that roamed the skies in unison and built friendly relations with the "little folk".   Savathun gifted the planets magic, which they each shaped in their own way: Conjuration (Nova), Abjuration and Divination (Orga), Illusion and Enchantment (Ravan), Necromancy (Io), and Evocation (Oban). Crota gifted them the mountains, great works of nature, hiding beautiful riches within them. Omnigul granted the five planets water, sweet and nourishing, shaping their structures in seemingly random ways. Nokris was the one to grant them tunnels and vales, creating great depths beneath their surface. Hashladûn brought air and clouds into existence. Syrok populated the largest bodies of water with magnificent sea creatures and Keksis, his brother, shaped elegant birds into the skies. Gaulix formed great forests and jungles to accomodate all the newly created animals. Zahn produced the most delicious fruit, varied in taste, shape, size and colours. Among the last was Caiatl, who granted the planets fire. Creating volcanoes and magma, heating the planets to their cores and sparking life in the most curious places.   As eleven of the greatest celestial bodies surrounding the star bestowed their blessings upon the five planets, one grew jealous with Sinoril's creations. Araxis, second most powerful to Sinoril, had coveted the planets for far too long and now sought to destroy them. He tempted Nova, eldest of all, with a gift so unique and powerful, it would grant her perfection. She had watched her siblings evolve and create far beyond her own imagination and while her creations were still a marvel to behold by any standard, she feared her value would diminish as time went on. So she accepted the gift of Araxis, corruption. A new race spawned among Nova's creations, the Ilithid. Quick to grasp the concepts of magic and warfare, they began to overtake the planet, tainting the land, warping it's creations into mindless slaves. That, however, was just the beginning of their malice. Unchained and unhinged, the Ilithid empire started to develop interplanetary magic portals to travel between worlds. Vast fleets of interstellar vessels traveled between planets, threatening to corrupt and assimilate the known galaxy, possibly even beyond.   Shaken to the core of his being, Sinoril unleashed a rage so terrible it nearly destroyed Araxis, eviscirating the Ilithid horde, but not destroying them completely. This final sacrifice to save his children from the corruption of Araxis left Sinoril with little power. At least not enough to fend of the Ilithid threat in a possible future. However, the smallest of powerful stars surrounding the planets, Nexus had a final blessing to bestow upon Sinoril's children. Valueing unity above all, the star merged Sinoril's children into a single being. Orion. A perfect fusion of all five children, in the hopes that the merit of Orga, Ravan, Io and Oban would outweigh the corruption of Nova. A new age dawns for the creations of Orion. They will have to learn how to coexist and work together, battling corruption wherever they may find it.   Footnotes: 1. Five children of Sinoril: Nova (New), Orga (System), Ravan (Active), Io (Flower), Oban (Bravery). 2. Thirteen stars: Oryx, Savathun, Crota, Omnigul, Nokris, Hashladûn, Syrok, Keksis, Gaulix, Zahn, Caiatl, Araxis, and Nexus.