Abyssal Language in Oros | World Anvil
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Abyssal is the language of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness and his servants and the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm.

Abyssal is extremely hard to understand and read, as the concept of vowels do not exist.

The sentence of "Never gonna give you up. never gonna let you down". in common translates to "sxbxy fissu fabx gio oj. sxbxy fissu qxd gio wins". in Abyssal.

Writing System

Common to Abyssal
A = u
B = r
C = l
D = w
E = x
F = p
G = f
H = t
I = Xy
J = h
K = e
L = q
M = k
N = s
O = i
P = j
Q = m
R = y
S = z
T = d
U = p
V = b
W = n
X = c
Y = g
Z = n

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