Grapha- God of Death & Darkness Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Grapha- God of Death & Darkness (Graa-fa)

Lord of Death & Darkness

"My Master is the Beginning and he is the End. He is the Master of Mortals, and the core of our existence. Deny him and you deny reality. Embrace him, for he embraces you all with sweet death." -Bellerophon, Harbinger of Aaglafa
  Grapha, also known as the "Death God," the "Lord of Endlessness", and the "First One", is the Primordial God of death, darkness, war, souls, fear, shadows, and invitability.

Grapha is the first being of Nothing and the eldest of the primordial gods. In this time of endless conflict and long nights often renders him the strongest of the primordial gods. Grapha's domain encompassess the most basic necessitites for existence-- death and darkness, all mortals and even immortals will die, in the absence of light there is always and must be darkness. Everywhere darkness is present even fictitious pleases Grapha, Every death of any cause fuels and empowers Grapha, the more benevolent the one that dies, the better.

Grapha is the most apathetic of the four primordial gods. He represents the fate of all and the absolute way of the world. The only thing greater than grapha's power is his desire to restore. To restore all back to Aaglafa. His desire for restoration can only be quenched with the eradication of all light, a insurmountable task leaves Grapha forever angry and he urges his great wish unto his followers. Grapha watches noble champions and agents of light die in the most grustesque scences with delight. During the Cataclysm, Grapha's laugh could be heard throughout the world, causing the greatest of fear in any that heard. Grapha is the biggest instigator of corruption and destruction, constantly whipping up his followers to spread death and quench out the light.


  No mortal has ever laid eyes upon Grapha, but some speculate that Grapha has no physcial form, for he is darkness itself and all forms of it. A dark corner of a room is Grapha, a lightless cave is Grapha, the night sky is Grapha, the feeling of fear is Grapha. All things that are absent of light is Grapha. He is envisioned to be in every shadow with red eyes glaring down at any that stand in the light. Like the other Primordial Gods it has no true gender.

Grapha is traditionally visualized to be the darkness in a room or a blob of complete darkness always watching and listening. Grapha is mysterious and never reveals himself, only voicing his words into the very hearts of the listener. Grapha favors eerie things and anything that can be associated with death.

Grapha's Domain is the Shadow Realm, it is said that no ounce of light is present there, a place of complete and total darkness, a place where darkness is the only variable there, even time is devoid there. It is a place of no return and a place that is known so little about it even the other gods can only imagine what transpire with in this shadowy tomb.

Divine Domains

Grapha's domain is death, any death empowers Grapha. But Grapha delights greatly at the demise of servants of Holactie - The Creator of Light.

Being born as Darkness, Grapha is all forms of darkness-shade, dark, darkness in the heart, dark thoughts, dark humor, any thing eerie is the domain of Grapha.

To a lesser extent, Grapha in some parts of the world is known differently. Some see him as not only a god of war but also a god of war, fear, shadows. Several nations throughtout history have made dishing out death their greatest trade and have commonly flocked to Grapha for him being a well-known god and all powerful.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Grapha's symbol is typically rendered as a completely black sphere, meant to be a total solar eclipse. But the symbol of Grapha is ever changing and is always related to death or darkness and or both.

Animals that are commonly associated with Grapha are crows and vultures.

Tenets of Faith

Grapha requires his servants to unleash death and spread darkness whenever possible. Most of his followers are warriors, though anyone who is willing to kill without thought of consequence can find blessings from the death god. Grapha only has the night of total darkness as a holy holiday.

  • The greatest prayers are the screams of the fallen.
  • It is never wrong to kill a servant of Grapha, but if done, ensure to kill even more.
  • The more peaceful the place the greater the death and darkness you must inflict upon it.
  • The vile followers of Holactie - The Creator of Light must be annihilated at any turn.
  • To spare a life is an afront to the very existence of Grapha.


The everlasting night is the only holiday of Grapha and it is during his month. On those days the sun never rises and the effects of his month are at their greatest extent.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Have Darkness and Death spread throughout the world.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grapha is the lord of death and darkness, Grapha was the first being to emerge into existence from nothing. And for an innumerable amount of time, Grapha would be the only being in the dark empty existence. Grapha is darkness itself and all forms of it. This makes him one of the most powerful beings as his prescene is everywhere. Grapha's other divine domain is death. With every death of a creature, Grapha's power expands greatly. Grapha is worshipped by evil beings. He is worshipped for his all encompassing power and is feared by all. Even non-evil beings revere Grapha as he is the one true lord of death. It is said that those that truly serve Grapha grow blind.

While Grapha spent his time alone, he would slumber for almost all of this time and only waking up with the birth of Holactie - The Creator of Light and with her birth came the first instance of light. The light shone from Holactie's lumious birth blinded the dark adapted Grapha. Grapha saw the light as a vile stain that ruined his beautiful darkness and he would inevitably clash with Holactie for dominion of their divine domains. For many lifetimes Holactie and Grapha battled each other in the empty void. Neither gaining the upper hand for long.

  After the birth of Solomon - God of Life. Grapha and Holactie would come to a stalemate and become content for the time being with what they had. Solomon began his creation of Oros within Holactie's domain. But by the time the first walks of life on Oros appeared Grapha had conquererd that domain. This would lead to Solomon pleading to Holactie to bring light to Oros. With the birth of Hestia came the birth of a star that invaded Grapha's domain and that hurt Grapha greatly. Grapha enraged threw a rock at it to block out the light. This rock would become the moon.

  While Solomon nurished his world, Grapha spent that time battling Holactie and slumbering. It wouldn't be until much later with the elves that Grapha would lay eyes on Oros for the first time. Watching the creations of Solomon die brought a great amount of joy to Grapha and he would soon become the lord of death. Grapha would also impart a bit of him onto Oros. The Shadow Realm. The shadow realm is Grapha's domain of total darkness and he would place it on Oros to corrupt and taint. Grapha would spend his time reveling in the deaths on Oros.

  When the orcs were created by Cálecelos - God of Change, Grapha didn't think much of it, just more diversity in deaths. But the orcs would kill each other, which was unheard of for the elves and lizardfolk. Their carnage brought more deaths in 30 years than the entire existence of the elves and lizardfolk. These orcs were a great source of power for Grapha and he would reward them with he dark powers, which aided them in their future wars. With the first war and the many after, Grapha grew in power massively, and he enjoyed watching these so called wars. Grapha would soon realize that wars empower him greatly and he wants to spread darkness. So Grapha would create Bellerophon to engulf Oros in endless night.
  With The Celestial War over, Grapha would be the greatest victor and would achieve his total darkness. It would be in the Era of Gods that Grapha would lose his total darkness but Grapha was still all-powerful. Grapha contiunes to lie still and sometimes dabbles his dark touch on the world to ensue it in even more chaos.

Personality Characteristics


Grapha is hellbent on destroying the light to bring back his once peaceful slumber. The light is his mortal enemy, his bane, everything he hates. And the light is Holactie - The Creator of Light, for all of Grapha's problems began with her, Holactie is the complete opposite of Grapha in everyway and only with Holactie's complete annihilation can Grapha have peace.

All beings must die for Grapha to be the only one once more, to have his eternal slumber, requires the utmost of silence and darkness. With the eradication of light and all other beings, can Grapha achieve his goal. Grapha often makes powerful servants such as Bellerophon to enact his grand wish, any that serve Grapha know of his wish and exert themselves to please their unholy master. 

Those that are drawn to Grapha are murders, warriors, dark-hearted beings, and many more that wish to spread evil or death upon others.


Contacts & Relations

Grapha with his desire to return things to how they once were, doesn't get along with the other Primordial Gods. And Grapha never makes contact with anyone of the Celestial Gods and or New Gods.

Among the other Primordial gods, Solomon - God of Life is abhorrent to Grapha. The God of Life is in complete contrast to Grapha. Solomon creating more and more life, which are more and more noise and problems for Grapha. Solomon brought about the new, where as Grapha wanted only the old. But a very slight part of Grapha is approving of Solomon as with each new life, is a new death. Mortals are always welcomed to be created for they will die anyways and empower Grapha, it is immortals like the Lizardfolk and Primordial Elf creations that Grapha has a problem with, for they cannot die or die at a far less rate than that of mortals. This doing of Solomon cannot be forgiven.

Cálecelos - God of Change is the most confusing, subtle and maddening of the primordial gods. Grapha is not unintelligent, but he has no time for subtlety, and his rage tends to consume more complicated emotions like ambition and hunger for knowledge. Cálecelos therefore plays tricks upon Grapha for his own amusement, which Grapha responds to in a great rage.

One doesn't have to imagine the relationship between the goddess of light and the god of darkness. Grapha wishes to simply return things as they were before Holactie - The Creator of Light. Holacte and Grapha are diametrically opposed to each other in every way. Holactie's focus is to spread the light whereever she can and darkness can only existence in the absence of light, Holactie is as much of bane of Grapha's existence as he is of her's. Everything that the light touches pains Grapha, but Grapha knows that he will be victorious in the end. For she has to expend her power to compete with him, for he only has to lie and wait for the light to wane and he will forever grow more powerful as Holactie will forever grow weaker.

Grapha is the creation and father of Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa.


Holactie - The Creator of Light

Sister (Vital)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Vital)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light




They are Mortal enemies since Holactie's birth

Cálecelos - God of Change

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change




Although they are the most similar of the primordial gods, they will never see eye to eye.

Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Niece (Important)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Uncle (Trivial)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light




All creations of Holactie detest Grapha and Grapha detests them in turn

Solomon - God of Life

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Solomon - God of Life




They cannot mix

Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa


Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness


Grapha- God of Death & Darkness


Towards Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa


A Symbol of Grapha
Divine Classification
Primordial God
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Iznas(Shadow Realm)
Shadow God
Death God
Lord of Death
Lord of Darkness
Obisdian Lord
Lord of Invitability
Lord of Endlessness
The First One
The Original
First of Nothing
Dark Father
Dark Lord
Crow God
Vulture God
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Birth from the explosion of Nothing
Darkness itself
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

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