Almarduke- God of Wisdom Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Almarduke- God of Wisdom

Sage of the Ages

Almarduke, also known as the "Luminary Scholar", the "Divine Mentor" and the "Keeper of Secrets" is a New God of knowledge, intellect, enlightenment, mentorship and teaching.

Almarduke, the God of Wisdom, is a celestial being whose existence is entwined with the pursuit of knowledge and the sharing of enlightenment with mortals. His story is one of profound understanding, sacrifice, and the quest for a worthy successor. From the moment of his divine inception, Almarduke's essence resonated with an insatiable curiosity about the mysteries of the cosmos. He delved into the intricate workings of the universe, seeking to unravel the secrets of creation and the complexities of existence. His divine role as the God of Wisdom marked him as the embodiment of intellectual enlightenment.

  As Almarduke's wisdom grew, so did his awareness of the unique burden his divine role imposed. The pursuit of wisdom demanded a sacrifice – a shortened lifespan that he willingly accepted. This curse, borne out of a commitment to facilitate the flow of wisdom through the ages, never deterred him from his dedication to seeking knowledge and sharing it with mortals. Understanding the temporal limitations of his divine existence, Almarduke embarked on a contemplative journey to secure the future of wisdom. He sought an individual not only intellectually capable of comprehending the intricacies of knowledge but also possessing the moral character to wield that wisdom responsibly. The search for a successor became a mission that would shape the destiny of wisdom itself.

  After years of meticulous evaluation and contemplation, Almarduke's discerning gaze settled upon Timaeus- Master of Wisdom. The young man exhibited a rare blend of intellect, unquenchable curiosity, and a genuine desire to employ wisdom for the greater good. In Timaeus, Almarduke recognized the embodiment of his ideals and the potential for a seamless transition of the God of Wisdom's role.

  The transition from Almarduke to Timaeus was a momentous occasion marked by a powerful and sacred ceremony. It symbolized the transfer of wisdom's essence from one being to another, as the divine mantle settled upon Timaeus. Almarduke's presence merged with the legacy he had built, and the torch of knowledge was officially passed on to the chosen successor.

  As Almarduke's divine flame dimmed, he witnessed with pride as Timaeus took up the mantle of the God of Wisdom. His teachings and insights continued to shape the minds of mortals, offering guidance, understanding, and enlightenment. Almarduke's shortened lifespan became a poignant sacrifice, ensuring the perpetuation of wisdom and the endurance of his legacy through the ages.

Divine Domains

Almarduke's divine domain is knowledge, intellect, enlightenment, mentorship and teaching.


Book of Almarduke.
Divine Classification
New God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sage of the Ages
Luminary Scholar
Divine Mentor
Enlighteed Seer
Keeper of Secrets
Currently Held Titles
1000 AC 9060 AC 8060 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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