New God Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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New God

The New Gods are deities born after the Cataclysm and are the most numerous of the gods.

There are different types of the new gods, there are Solomid- Spawn gods which are deities that were birthed from the essence of Solomon - God of Life, and Mortal Gods which are mortals that ascended to godhood.

There are countless new gods that have and do exist in the world, as many as mortals, but many are nameless or unimportant, among these many gods there are a few that are the most powerful and well known.

The most notable of the new gods are Ah Puch- God of Decay and Ailments, Almarduke- God of Wisdom, Baal- God/Goddess of Lightning, Babel- God of War, Dugares- God of the Mind, Eume- Goddess of Ice, Graccus- God of Wine, Hamon- God of Thunder, Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities, Homa- Goddess of Fire, Minerva- Virgin Goddess, Morr- God of Blood, Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God, N'tss - Goddess of Oceans, Ogosho- Sprit God, Raiza- God of the Wind, Redoess- God of Time and Age, Rex- God of Rock, Serqet- Goddess of Poison, Theia- Goddess of Fertility, The Three Goddesses, Ur Yu - Lord of the Dao and Zhrakk- God of Pain and Pleasure.

The most notable gods are among the most powerful and most impactful on the world among the new gods. Each with a divine domain that represents an important aspect of existence.

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