Black Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Black Dragon

Black Dragons, born from the corrupted essence of dragon eggs in a process known as Shadow Ensarement, are formidable and malevolent creatures. They embody darkness, despair, and corruption, and their presence instills fear and unease in those who encounter them.   Originating from dragon eggs tainted by the dark energies of the Shadow Realm, Black Dragons possess a sinister and ominous appearance. Their scales are ebony black, reflecting no light, and they exude an aura of darkness that seems to consume the very light around them. Their eyes glow with an eerie, malevolent light, and their sharp fangs and claws are imbued with a potent venom that can bring swift death to their prey.   Black Dragons possess a deep connection to the forces of shadow and darkness. They have the ability to manipulate shadows, cloaking themselves in darkness and disappearing from sight. They can create illusions and use their mastery over shadows to confuse and disorient their enemies. Their breath is a powerful, noxious cloud of darkness, capable of enveloping their foes in a suffocating shroud of despair and decay.   These dragons revel in causing misery and suffering. They delight in spreading corruption and darkness wherever they go, seeking to extinguish hope and plunge the world into eternal night. They are known to lurk in desolate, forsaken places, such as swamps, caves, or shadowy forests, making their lairs in hidden and inaccessible locations.   Black Dragons are highly intelligent and cunning beings. They possess a deep understanding of manipulation and deceit, using their wits and guile to further their malevolent goals. They are patient and calculating, often laying intricate traps and schemes to ensnare their enemies.   Due to their connection with the Shadow Realm, Black Dragons have the ability to corrupt and manipulate lesser creatures. They can twist the minds and hearts of weaker beings, turning them into servants or agents of darkness. These corrupted beings become extensions of the Black Dragon's power, spreading their corruption and furthering their nefarious agenda.   In combat, Black Dragons are formidable adversaries. They are skilled in aerial combat, using their powerful wings to maneuver swiftly through the skies. Their physical attacks are vicious and deadly, and their venomous bite can cause excruciating pain and lingering effects. They are also adept at utilizing their dark magic, casting spells that drain life force or summoning shadowy minions to aid them in battle.   Encountering a Black Dragon is a harrowing experience. Their presence is a portent of impending doom, and their actions leave devastation and despair in their wake. They are feared and reviled by most other creatures, for they bring only darkness and suffering.   In tales and legends, Black Dragons are often depicted as the epitome of evil and corruption. They serve as harbingers of chaos and destruction, symbols of the darkest aspects of the world. Their origin in the corruption of dragon eggs reflects their fallen nature, forever tainted by the shadows from which they were born.
Encompassed species

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