Dragon Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Dragons, magnificent and ancient beings, are creatures of immense power and wisdom. Created by Holactie to rival the lizardfolk, dragons possess a longevity that spans well over a thousand years. Throughout their long lives, dragons develop unique personalities and exhibit a wide range of traits, influenced by their individual experiences and innate nature. As beings of great wisdom, dragons are often regarded as repositories of knowledge and guardians of ancient secrets. They have witnessed the passage of ages and accumulated vast amounts of knowledge, making them invaluable sources of wisdom and insight.   Dragons are known for their exceptional intelligence. They possess a keen intellect and are highly perceptive, capable of analyzing situations and making calculated decisions. This intelligence is often matched by their insatiable curiosity, driving them to explore the mysteries of the world and seek out new knowledge.   While dragons vary in their personalities, they generally display a strong sense of pride and individuality. They are confident in their abilities and possess a regal presence. Dragons command respect from other creatures and are often seen as symbols of power and authority.   Their physical forms reflect their elemental affinities and strengths. Dragons are known for their formidable size, with massive wings and muscular bodies, capable of taking flight and dominating the skies. Their scales provide both protection and beauty, often reflecting the colors and elements they are attuned to.   Dragons possess incredible magical abilities, harnessing the arcane forces of the world. They can wield powerful spells, breathe elemental energies, and manipulate the very fabric of reality. Their mastery of magic varies depending on their type, with some excelling in specific branches of spellcasting.   Despite their awe-inspiring presence, dragons are not without their vulnerabilities. Their long lives make them susceptible to boredom and a sense of detachment from the world. Many dragons develop a sense of isolation and solitude, retreating to remote lairs to contemplate the mysteries of existence.   Dragons often guard their territories fiercely, displaying a territorial nature that stems from their instinct to protect their hoards and maintain their dominance. They are formidable adversaries in battle, utilizing their immense physical strength, magical prowess, and strategic thinking to defend their territories and defeat their foes.   While dragons are often depicted as majestic and noble beings, their personalities can also range from wise and benevolent to cunning and treacherous. Some dragons may be inclined to engage with other races, sharing their knowledge and forming alliances, while others prefer to remain aloof and distant.

Basic Information


Dragons have four legs and the majority have two wings. Some dragons have no wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons lay eggs and must go through a long incubation process. Dragon mating is a long grueling process

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragon Age Categories:
Wyrmling- period in a egg
Young- after hatching from an egg
Adult- decades of living
Ancient- centuries of living

Depending on the dragon each age category could be shorter or longer
Dragons never stop growing

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons can live anywhere and it depends on the type of dragon

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons eat only meat, there are few exceptions

Additional Information

Social Structure

Strength classification of each dragon type:    
  1. Celestial Dragons: These dragons are immensely powerful in every aspect. They are exceptional spellcasters, shapeshifters, and possess high levels of intelligence. Their magical abilities and physical prowess are unmatched.
  2. Azure Dragons: Younger Celestial Dragons, slightly weaker than their celestial counterparts. While they may not possess the same level of physical strength, they compensate with exceptional magical abilities. They are highly skilled in various branches of magic.
  3. Star Dragons: Born from Azure Dragons, Star Dragons are slightly weaker than Azure Dragons but still formidable. They exhibit greater physical strength and endurance, while their magical abilities are more limited compared to Azure Dragons.
  4. Gold Dragons: Known for their exceptional magical prowess and physical strength, Gold Dragons are formidable beings. They possess immense power in both spellcasting and physical combat, making them a force to be reckoned with.
  5. Red Dragons: Masters of fire, Red Dragons possess immense destructive power. They are highly aggressive and formidable in battle. Their mastery over fire allows them to unleash devastating flames upon their enemies.
  6. Black Dragons: Evil dragons with a penchant for despair, Black Dragons possess a dark and corrupting influence. They are powerful beings with a range of sinister abilities. Their strength lies in their ability to spread darkness and misery.
  7. Blue Dragons: Blue Dragons are masters of lightning and storms. They possess the ability to harness the raw power of electricity, unleashing devastating lightning strikes. They are highly skilled in manipulating weather patterns.
  8. Sun Dragons: Dragons blessed with the power of light by Holactie, Sun Dragons are radiant and holy beings. They possess the ability to harness and radiate intense light, capable of illuminating darkness and vanquishing evil.
  9. Moon Dragons: Dragons infused with the power of shadows by Grapha, Moon Dragons embody darkness and deceit. They excel in manipulating shadows and illusions, using them to their advantage in battles. Their strength lies in their mastery of darkness.
  10. Bronze Dragons: These dragons have a strong affinity for water and possess control over thunder and lightning. They are skilled swimmers and can summon powerful storms. Their strength lies in their ability to manipulate water and harness electrical forces.
  11. Forest Dragons: Dragons attuned with nature, Forest Dragons possess mastery over poison and stealth. They excel in blending with their forest surroundings and possess a deep connection with plants and natural elements.
  12. Copper Dragons: Agile and playful dragons, Copper Dragons are masters of charm and illusions. They possess the ability to deceive and manipulate others through their charismatic nature. Their strength lies in their cunning and ability to charm their opponents.
  13. Silver Dragons: Dragons attuned to the cold, possessing chilling presence and mastery over ice and frost.
  14. Wind Dragons: Masters of the winds, Wind Dragons possess incredible speed and agility. They can manipulate air currents, create powerful gusts of wind, and are highly skilled in aerial combat.
  15. Brass Dragons: Brass Dragons rely on their illusionary abilities to compensate for their physical weaknesses. They are skilled in crafting illusions, engaging in diplomatic conversations, and forming alliances. They possess a friendly and sociable nature.
  16. Death Dragons: Dragons with a deep connection to the realm of death and dragons of unnatural means, Death Dragons possess powerful necromantic abilities and mysterious ones. They can manipulate and control the forces of death or some other bizarre thing, wielding them as weapons against their enemies.
  17. Undead Dragons: Dragons that have been resurrected, their strength is equivalent to the dragon they were in their previous life. As undead creatures, they possess unnatural resilience and are adept at manipulating dark magic.
  18. Gem Dragons: Dragons attuned with specific types of gems, such as crystal, emerald, diamond, sapphire, and others. Their powers are closely related to the properties and abilities associated with their respective gems.

Average Intelligence

Dragons are very intelligent, of course there are exceptions

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons are highly perceptive, able to detect another creature miles away

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragon naming is confusing and often not present amongst dragons


When Solomon challenged his siblings, Holactie made many races and one of them was the dragons which were to rival the lizardfolk. Since the lizards were descended from reptiles, Holactie made the dragons the same way. That is why they have scaly skin and lay eggs. This reptile similarity allowed the dragons and lizardfolk to converse naturally as if they were no different from each other. Holactie made the dragons mighty and large so that they be able to be the greatest creatures on the mortal plane. Unlike the Celestials and Aasimars, the dragons were not bounded to Elysium and instead roamed freely across the lands. The first dragon to be created was Tiamat which is the only primordial dragon. Tiamat was set as the leader of all other dragons and answered directly to Holactie and Hestia. All the dragons that came after here were descended of Tiamat, which hailed her as the mother of all dragons. But after roaming the world, many new dragons were pop up, like red, blue, celestial, brass and many other dragons.    During the Celestial War, dragons would play a major role as a great force upon darkness and light. They were so powerful that countermeasures had to be put into place to diminish their numbers.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco magnificus
Created by Holactie to rival the lizardfolk
>1000 Years

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