Blue Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Blue Dragon

Blue Dragons are majestic creatures known for their mastery over lightning and storms. With their sleek and aerodynamic bodies, they are well-adapted for swift and agile aerial movements. Their scales glisten in shades of deep blue, resembling the vast expanse of the sky during a thunderstorm. These dragons possess a natural affinity for electricity and have the ability to harness and manipulate the raw power of lightning. They can summon bolts of lightning, creating devastating electrical discharges that can strike their foes with incredible precision. Blue Dragons are highly skilled in controlling and directing lightning, allowing them to unleash electrifying attacks from both close and long range.   In addition to their mastery over lightning, Blue Dragons also possess an inherent understanding of weather patterns. They can manipulate air currents, conjure powerful gusts of wind, and create localized storms. This enables them to control the battlefield, creating favorable conditions for their own advantage while hindering their enemies.   Blue Dragons have keen senses and sharp reflexes, allowing them to swiftly react to threats and navigate through turbulent skies. They are highly agile in flight and can perform intricate aerial maneuvers with grace and precision. Their ability to dart through the air and change direction rapidly makes them formidable opponents to engage with in combat.   While their magical abilities primarily revolve around lightning and storm manipulation, Blue Dragons are not limited to their elemental powers. They also possess physical strength and endurance, capable of delivering powerful bites, swiping with their sharp claws, and utilizing their muscular tails as weapons.   In terms of temperament, Blue Dragons tend to exhibit a certain level of intelligence and cunning. They are known for their strategic thinking and tactical planning, utilizing their knowledge of weather patterns and their own elemental powers to gain an advantage in battle. Blue Dragons are often seen as proud and confident creatures, valuing their independence and dominion over the skies.   Encountering a Blue Dragon is a sight to behold, as their electrifying presence and awe-inspiring abilities command both respect and caution. Whether unleashing bolts of lightning from above or commanding the winds to their advantage, Blue Dragons epitomize the raw power and untamed nature of storms, making them a force to be reckoned with in the realms they inhabit.
Blue Dragons can live up to 5000 years but often only get around to 3000 in age.
Encompassed species

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