Crown of Sorcery Item in Oros | World Anvil
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Crown of Sorcery

In the darkest recesses of forbidden arts, Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God, Liche Lord, master of the undead, wove the very essence of malevolence into an ancient relic known as the Crown of Sorcery. Crafted from the blackest obsidian and adorned with ominous runes, this crown is no mere adornment but a conduit for the darkest of powers. Those who dare wear it become vessels for the shadows of my own tormented thoughts.   The Crown of Sorcery is an accursed masterpiece, a diabolical creation that fuses seamlessly with the wearer's very being. Once adorned, it insidiously integrates itself into the skull, becoming an extension of the wearer's own thoughts and will. Attempting to remove it becomes an act of self-destruction, as the crown's roots intertwine with the wearer's consciousness.   With its accursed power, the Crown of Sorcery grants dominion over necromancy unparalleled in its malevolence. Whether the wearer is a seasoned spellcaster or a novice, the crown unleashes the full spectrum of necromantic spells. Yet, with each incantation, the wearer becomes a vessel for the ancient darkness that birthed the crown. Over time, the insidious thoughts of the Liche Lord overpower the wearer, driving them inexorably towards madness and a fateful journey to the Land of the Dead.

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