Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God

Supreme Lord of Undeath

In the eerie expanse of that fearsome desert, beneath the cold scrutiny of the moon, figures of the deceased stir. They roam the ever-shifting dunes in a night devoid of breath and wind, wielding bronze weapons in a twisted defiance, haunted by a bitter resentment for the life they once possessed. Occasionally, with voices that mimic the ghastly rustle of parched reeds, they murmur a solitary word, a remnant from their past existence. It is the name of the one who condemned them to a state more than death but less than life—the name uttered in a chilling whisper: Nebuchadnezzar. -Extract from a book of Nebuchadnezzar

Nebuchadnezzar, known by many names such as the "Great Necromancer," the "Vampire God," the "Father of Vampires," the "Undying King," the "Supreme Lord of Undeath" or simply "He Who Shall Not Be Named," is the ultimate personification of death and the Undead, an ancient, evil being who sought to conquer this cruel, chaotic mortal world and bring about an age of Undeath that will rule for all eternity.

Nebuchadnezzar embodies darkness and irrational hatred, the progenitor of the abhorrent craft of necromancy and the sovereign over all vampires. Every move and undertaking he makes serves only his self-interest, with his accomplishments being both horrifying and detestable. His every desire is driven solely by the determination to secure his unchallenged reign, ensuring that no one will ever question his right to rule. This malevolent undead entity, driven by pure evil, came perilously close to achieving ultimate domination. However, thanks to the sacrifices of numerous heroes, this world narrowly escaped his clutches several millennia ago..

In the epochs that followed, his name morphed into a veiled legend, with his ominous murmurs resonating endlessly through the Winds. While he might have departed the mortal realm, his soul eluded the clutches of death, and across centuries post his demise, his perpetually accursed spirit has gradually regained its strength. The whisperings persist, reaching the ears of those who once faithfully served him and those destined to heed his call.

Continuously, he guided them toward the moment of his resurgence, the ultimate apocalyptic rebirth that would consume the world. Nebuchadnezzar pledged to be patient, postponing his return until his powers were completely restored, awaiting the opportune time to assert his dominance over all life. He envisaged a mortal realm overtaken by the silent, mindless Undead, a domain where only his will and thoughts could move unrestricted, unchallenged by any opposing force.

Nebuchadnezzar, the New God and the enigmatic Lord of the Undead, stands as an ominous figure, draped in shadows and steeped in malevolence. His journey from the shadows to dominance unfolded during the chaotic era of the Great God War, where he delved into the forbidden arts of necromancy, reshaping the balance between life and death. The rise of Nebuchadnezzar heralded the birth of an unholy army, an undead legion under his command that struck fear into the hearts of all who dared oppose him.

  Mastering the arcane discipline of necromancy became Nebuchadnezzar's defining feature. The dark arts bestowed upon him the ability to manipulate the very fabric of death, breathing unholy life into the deceased. This mastery allowed him to forge an army of zombies and skeletons, each a puppet under his malevolent control. The relentless advance of his undead legions became a dreaded force, leaving devastation in their wake.

  As the Lord of the Undead, Nebuchadnezzar drew the ire of both mortal and divine forces. His necromantic pursuits stood in stark opposition to the delicate balance of life and death, prompting clashes with The Three Goddesses and Babel- God of War. The Battle of Desolation, a climactic confrontation between Nebuchadnezzar and the righteous Sieghardt- God Emperor, became a pivotal moment. Sieghardt's indomitable spirit, coupled with the mighty Ghal Maraz, proved to be Nebuchadnezzar's undoing, heralding the downfall of the Lord of the Undead.

  Despite his defeat, Nebuchadnezzar's dark legacy endured. The scars of his influence lingered, haunting the world with the memory of the devastation wrought by his undead armies. Nebuchadnezzar's tale became a cautionary narrative, a stark reminder of the perils that accompany the unrestrained pursuit of forbidden magic and the thirst for dominion over life and death.

  Nebuchadnezzar's malevolent presence rose once more from the shadows, marking a grim resurgence. The Lord of the Undead, undeterred by past defeat, embarked on a renewed campaign of chaos. This time, he delved deeper into forbidden rituals, creating Vampires to serve as commanders in his dark army. These immortal beings, crafted from the crucible of his dark arts, possessed powers beyond mortality, becoming crucial instruments of Nebuchadnezzar's insidious ambitions.

  Under his leadership and bolstered by the strategic brilliance of the vampire commanders, Nebuchadnezzar's forces launched an unrelenting campaign. The world, already scarred by previous conflicts, now faced an even graver threat. The undead legions, now enhanced by the power of vampires, wrought havoc and desolation upon once-prosperous lands. The survivors were forced to either cower in fear or bow to the might of the malevolent forces.

  The vampires, with their mesmerizing charm and bloodlust, became not only formidable warriors but also tools of manipulation. Nebuchadnezzar's forces preyed upon the weaknesses and fears of mortals, using the vampires' hypnotic allure to bend them to the Lord of the Undead's will. The world, shrouded in darkness and despair, struggled against the overwhelming onslaught.

  As Nebuchadnezzar's dominion expanded, the world teetered on the edge of annihilation. The remaining defenders faced a formidable challenge—to unite against the tide of darkness, strategize against overwhelming odds, and muster whatever strength they could find to push back the encroaching shadows. The fate of the world hung in the balance, poised between eternal night and the glimmering hope of resistance.


Nine Books of Nebuchadnezzar
Crown of Sorcery
Hanemor, Black Armour of Nebuchadnezzar
Albanesh, Staff of Power
Deluge, Sword of Nebuchadnezzar

Tenets of Faith

Those that follow Nebuchadnezzar are undead, Vampires and necromancers.
Divine Classification
New God
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Great Necromancer
Supreme Lord of Undeath
He Wo Shall Not Be Named
Undying King
Lord of Undead
Father of vampires
Vampire God
Undead God 
Liche Lord
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Sieghardt the god-emperor

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