Dark Dwarf Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Dark Dwarf

Dark Dwarves, also known as Corrupted Dwarves, are a twisted and malevolent variation of their noble counterparts. Created through the influence of Bellerophon, the dark god, during the tumultuous Celestial War, these dwarves have succumbed to darkness and corruption, leading them down a path of greed, cruelty, and insidiousness.   Physically, Dark Dwarves share many similarities with their uncorrupted kin. They possess the same sturdy build, short stature, and strength that make dwarves renowned for their resilience. However, the influence of Bellerophon has taken a toll on their appearance, reflecting their inner corruption. Their once proud features have become twisted, with a shadow of malevolence in their eyes and a sinister aura surrounding them.   Unlike their noble counterparts, Dark Dwarves have embraced their darker nature. They are driven by insatiable greed and a desire for power. Their obsession with wealth, resources, and dominance often leads them to engage in ruthless acts, such as subjugating other races and hoarding precious treasures. The Dark Dwarves' lust for power is fueled by the corrupting influence of Bellerophon, which amplifies their viciousness and disregard for the well-being of others.   In terms of skills and craftsmanship, Dark Dwarves still possess the innate talents and affinity for mining, stonework, and craftsmanship that are characteristic of their race. However, their creations often reflect their dark inclinations, featuring intimidating and foreboding designs. They may imbue their weapons and armor with dark enchantments, harnessing the corrupted energies bestowed upon them by Bellerophon.   Dark Dwarves are known for their cunning and devious nature. They excel in manipulation and subterfuge, using their intelligence to scheme and exploit others for personal gain. Their corrupted minds have made them skilled strategists, capable of orchestrating elaborate plots and schemes to further their own interests.   While Dark Dwarves have diverged from their noble origins, they still retain some aspects of dwarven culture and society. They maintain a structured hierarchy within their own communities, often ruled by the most powerful and ruthless among them. However, their societal values prioritize dominance and personal gain over honor, loyalty, and communal well-being.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Parvus Tenebris

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