Dwarf Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Dwarves, a proud and resilient race, were originally created by Solomon, the god of life, during  the Elven Civil War. Solomon, recognizing the need for steadfast allies, crafted the dwarves to aid the elves in their conflict. These sturdy beings were meticulously designed with specific qualities and abilities to serve their intended purpose.   Physically, dwarves are known for their robust build and short stature, typically standing shorter than humans. Their stocky frames and strong muscles are well-suited for endurance and laborious tasks. Dwarves possess remarkable strength and resilience, allowing them to withstand physical challenges and excel in demanding conditions.   One of the defining characteristics of dwarves is their deep connection to the earth. They possess an innate affinity for mining, stonework, and craftsmanship. Their natural dexterity and meticulous attention to detail enable them to excel as artisans, crafting exquisite works of metalwork, stonemasonry, and engineering. Dwarven cities and strongholds are often marvels of architectural ingenuity, carved deep within mountains or hewn from the rock itself.   Dwarves also have an innate affinity for the magical properties of minerals and gems. They have a deep understanding of the earth's energies and can harness these forces to imbue their creations with enchantments and magical properties. Dwarven runes and sigils, etched into their craftsmanship, hold potent magical power, often used for protection, communication, or the enhancement of their tools and weapons.   Known for their unwavering loyalty and steadfastness, dwarves place great importance on honor, tradition, and family. They are renowned for their strong sense of community and collective identity. Dwarven society is structured around clans, with each clan having its own unique customs, history, and ancestral lineage. Dwarven clans forge deep bonds and prioritize the collective well-being of their kin, emphasizing duty, loyalty, and resilience in the face of adversity.   While dwarves are often portrayed as stern and pragmatic, they also have a rich cultural heritage that includes epic tales, songs, and feasts. They value craftsmanship and appreciate the beauty of the natural world, particularly the underground realms they call home. Dwarven celebrations and festivals often involve lavish displays of food, drink, and merriment, showcasing their zest for life and enjoyment of the finer things.   Dwarves' longevity is comparable to that of humans, allowing them to accumulate wisdom and experience over the course of their lives. This longevity, combined with their industrious nature, fuels their drive for knowledge, innovation, and the pursuit of mastery in their chosen crafts.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Parvus
Created by Solomon
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