Dark Fairy Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Dark Fairy

Dark Fairies, once beings of light and enchantment, now stand as twisted reflections of their former selves. Born from the malevolent touch of Bellerophon, these creatures were once fairies corrupted by his dark influence, turning them into agents of chaos and destruction. Where fairies once brought joy, these Dark Fairies thrive on spreading misery and mayhem.   These sinister counterparts to fairies possess an aura of malevolence that sets them apart. Their delicate beauty has been tarnished by the shadows, their once-glowing wings now veiled in darkness. Their playful laughter has turned into sinister whispers that send shivers down the spines of those who hear them. Instead of bringing blessings, they now sow curses and misfortune wherever they tread.   In the Celestial War, the Dark Fairies aligned themselves with Bellerophon, seeking to aid him in his quest for domination. Their ethereal magic, once used for benevolent purposes, was now twisted into destructive spells that laid waste to the lands. Their allegiance to chaos and destruction marked them as a formidable force, adding an eerie and unsettling dimension to the war.   Their reign of darkness was eventually challenged by Ib, the Queen of the Fairies, who led the forces of light against them. In a climactic battle, the Dark Fairies were defeated and driven from the Fairy Realm. Forced into hiding, they became a rare and enigmatic presence, their existence shrouded in mystery.   As the years passed, stories of encounters with Dark Fairies became tales whispered around campfires, cautionary tales for those who dared to stray into the realm of shadows. Legends speak of their ability to cast powerful curses, summon storms, and corrupt even the purest of souls. Though their numbers are rumored to have dwindled, the fear of their return remains ever-present.
Scientific Name
Imperfecta Gladuis
Corrupted Fairies

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