Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa

The Endless Night

"In the shroud of twilight, as the sun recoils and shadows deepen, The Darkest One descends upon the battlefield. His arrival is heralded by the haunting whispers of the forsaken, and the very air grows thick with the chill of impending doom. A Prince of Darkness, born from the womb of eternal night, he strides amidst the carnage, his presence eclipsing hope and extinguishing every glimmer of light. The screams of the fallen harmonize with the ominous dirge that follows him, a symphony of despair. When Bellerophon graces the war-torn land, even the bravest hearts quiver, for his malevolent shadow casts a veil over the battlefield, heralding the descent into everlasting darkness." -Unknown
Bellerophon, also known as the "Night God," the "Lord of the Dark Sun", the "Prince of Darkness", and the "Ender of Dawn", is the Celestial God of night, suffering, chill, blackness, cowardice, and demise.

Bellerophon is the son of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness and the proprietor of The Celestial War. He is the manifestation of Grapha's will to return the world to Aaglafa once more, and to unleash the greatest amount of suffering upon all else whilst doing so.

Of all the terrors that have assailed the world over the ages, Bellerophon is by far the most ruthless and perhaps most powerful. He decided the fate of entire eras, his wrath laid waste to heroes and armies and his unrelenting will dominated the minds of gods and mortals alike.


"Witness the celestial dance of demise, for in the realm of eternal night, all that once thrived shall now wither. Embrace the blackened shroud that envelops the world, for I am the Harbinger of Aaglafa, and in my wake, even the bravest souls shall cower in the chilling embrace of oblivion." -Bellerophon, Harbinger of Aaglafa
  In the symphony of creation orchestrated by the gods, each deity played a distinct note in the grand overture of Oros. Solomon - God of Life, composed the vibrant melodies of the first races, flora, and fauna. Holactie - The Creator of Light, illuminated the world with her glorified races. Cálecelos - God of Change, wove the threads of fate, leaving an indelible mark on the souls of the first inhabitants. Even Hestia - The Bringer of Light, graced Oros with the radiant glow of the sun.

Amidst this divine collaboration, Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, remained conspicuously aloof. Grapha would implant the Shadow Realm onto the early Oros which would play a pivotal role in the world's future, however apart from this unlike his counterparts, he refrained from actively participating in the initial creation. But, the tranquility of his inaction belied a deeper scheme, a patient waiting that unfolded over the course of ages. It was during the tumultuous Lizard-Drow War that Grapha's silent machinations bore fruit.
  In the heart of total darkness, Grapha meticulously crafted an entity—an embodiment of the very shadows he wielded. This entity, born from the abyss and shaped by its malevolence, would come to be known as Bellerophon. Darkness flowed through its veins, and a singular desire pulsed within its shadowy core—to usher forth Aaglafa, a return to the primordial time when darkness reigned supreme, and all was still and silent before the advent of light.

Divine Domains

Bellerophon's domain is night, suffering, chill, blackness, cowardice and demise.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ominous and eerie things are associated with Bellerophon, spikey evil looking weapons or armor or buildings give of the look of the prince of darkness. However Bellerophon has no singular symbol that represents him.

Tenets of Faith

Bellerophon is followered by only a handful of people, for he is lesser god than that of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, who is vastly more powerful and represents much of the same as Bellerophon. Those that worshipped Bellerophon often start worshipping Grapha instead for the same doctrine and greater influence.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Enact Aaglafa.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"The Sun? What is that?" -Gaius of Sipoe

The Taint of Light

Bellerophon, shortly after his birth, was harboring the singular goal of plunging Oros into Aaglafa, recognized that the light-bearing forces, the creations of Holactie - The Creator of Light, posed a formidable obstacle. As the Shadow Realm symbolized Grapha- God of Death & Darkness's dominion, the sky island of Elysium represented Holactie's domain. In his pursuit of darkness, Bellerophon devised a meticulous plan to extinguish the light—a plan that necessitated the elimination of Holactie's servants.

Understanding the inevitability of a great war between the forces of darkness and light, Bellerophon discerned the strategic importance of weakening his adversaries and bolstering the ranks of darkness before the eruption of war. Concealed within the shadows, he assumed the guise of a servant of light, infiltrating Elysium with the objective of subtly turning Holactie's creations towards the dark path. No matter how righteous or noble a being may be, the allure of darkness could seduce even the most virtuous souls.
  After a prolonged period of clandestine manipulation, Bellerophon encountered an isolated Archon named Selephiel. Seizing the opportunity, Bellerophon slew Selephiel and assumed his position. Empowered by this newfound authority, he escalated his efforts to corrupt even more servants of light, exploiting his elevated status to sway the celestial hierarchy.
  However, in the midst of one such corruption, Bellerophon's true nature was unveiled by the Archon Zaphkiel. Bellerophon although not fully ready for the enactment of his plan, prepared to fight the archon and execute his plan sooner than desired. Rather than opposing the Night God, Zaphkiel, seeking action and liberation from the confines of Elysium, proposed an alliance. He offered to aid Bellerophon's plan and act as a clandestine operative within Elysium and after his plan. Recognizing the certain benefits of this unexpected partnership, Bellerophon joined forces with Zaphkiel. With the Archon's influence and support, Bellerophon's corruption of the servants of light surged exponentially, setting the stage for the impending clash between darkness and light.
  After a great deal of time and corruption, Bellerophon was ready to enact his plan and plunge the world into war. He called upon all of his followers to unleash mayhem upon the servants of light. The servants of light ignorant to what transpired in the shadows were caught completely off guard by this sudden attack from within. Countless lives were lost to the unbrindled fury of Bellerophon. Since the dawn of their creation, the archons were 30 strong and always remained as such. However after the attack on Elysium they would be reduced to a mere 13. This event would be known as The Tainting. With a fatal blow struck onto the light servants, Bellerophon along with his followers retreated to the shadow realm in order to complete their transformation as slaves of darkness and to gather the forces within the shadow realm. Many new races would come to be from this such as the Evolzar, Black Dragons, various aberrations, abominations, and monstrosities.

With the forces of light weakened, they needed time to recuperate, which left Bellerophon completely unchallenged and he made way to deal another blow. He would strike the isolatated Fairy Realm with the full force of darkness. The Battle of the Lunes would be the first display of Bellerophon's cruelty and might of the dark forces. The Fairy race fought valiantly in this surprise assault, with great death and corruption following the advancing of the dark forces, the faires had to watch in horror as their friends and family were turned into Dark Fairy race or abominations or cut down before them. The fairies along with their queen Ib- Fairy Goddess would retreat and abandon the fairy realm to Bellerophon.

Nightmarish battle

Shortly after the betrayal of Asophiel- Lord of Hell and the other Archons, at the The Battle of Nightmares, Bellerophon would clash against Archlord Kristya and Asophiel- Lord of Hell in a large 3-way battle. This battle lasted several years, with all three sides clashing with the utmost of determination to annihilate the other. Bellerophon would get into frequent clashes with the other two war leaders, until the spawning of Yubel. Yubel was a power far beyond the three war leaders and in a once in a lifetime moment, the three warring forces battled together against the terrible creature. But the battle with Yubel would prove to be fruitless as no wound was grave enough to the creature. Bellerophon would use this chance to retreat in hopes of the creature killing the other two.

End of Darkness

In the tumultuous Battle of the Spire , Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon found themselves locked in a fierce duel, each commanding their forces with strategic prowess. The clash of their powers reverberated across the battlefield, shaping the destiny of the war-torn continent. However, the unpredictable tide of battle took an unexpected turn with the sudden reappearance of Yubel , a formidable force that had been conspicuously absent for years.
  Yubel would kill both Bellerophon and Archlord Kristya, but in their last breaths they would deal one final blow onto Yubel. Following this the forces of light and dark would scatter. Bellerophon defeated, was thought to be gone for good by most of the dark forces and light forces. But his most devout of followers knew that he would one day return and they would prepare for his return to life and to continue their rightous war.
  With Bellerophon's untimely demise, in his abscene a period of time known as Time of Silence would follow until his return.

Return and Despair

  After over 400 years, Bellerophon would return atlast. Returning to his dark forces awaiting his command was not what he came back to, instead his forces scattered, his most devout besieged on all sides, and the demons with total supremacy over the lands. Bellerophon would spend much of his time reuniting his forces and rebolstering what was lost with new ones. The forces of light were in an even worse shape than the dark. Now standing between Bellerophon's goal was Asophiel- Lord of Hell and his demons. The demons and dark forces would clash against each other and the utmost of brutality and malice would be witnessed, as both sides sought to annihilate one another and secure their dominance.

After decades of clashes with Asophiel, Bellerophon and his forces would regain their footing. At each chance they could get, the forces of light although weakened and without leader interjected in the battles between Asophiel and Bellerophon. But despite the light forces weak state, the opposing sides still couldn't finish them off. This was because of the dragons, more specfically the Celestial Dragons. These ancient and legendary creatures were comparable to gods in their power, and they spanned across battlefields. To be caught by one would spell trouble for Bellerophon and any more would be almost certain death. These dragons held what remained of the light forces together. But not only were they extremely powerful but so too were the Azure Dragons, Star Dragons and Gold Dragons to a lesser extent. Bellerophon's first defeat although at the hands of Yubel, could be contributed to the dragons weakening him. With Bellerophon return, his thirst for vengeance blossomed and to defeat the light forces he would have to remove their last line of defence.

Bellerophon didn't need to kill all of the dragons or even some of them, he just needed to remove them. The Celestial Dragons were capable of swallowing Bellerophon's darkness and he had great difficult dealing with them. In a grand gamble, Bellerophon would completely absorb the Shadow Realm. With the removal of the shadow realm from Primoria, Bellerophon and his forces now had no place to replenish themselves. Bellerophon alone would meet the forces of light at the gates of Elysium. A large amount of the light forces met him in battle. The dragons which had been defending Elysium all met Bellerophon in battle. With Bellerophon beset on all sides, he battled the forces of light. This battle was death or victory for the the light forces, if they lost here, Elysium would fall and the light would fail, if they won, they would defeat the prince of darkness and be able to reunite the light forces to finish the dark forces, for they had no place to retreat to, although this was not known yet.

Engaged in a fierce battle that rattled the earth, Bellerophon after much preparation would create a colossal portal, a gateway to the shadow realm. With its immense force, the portal drew in the mighty dragons, one by one, banishing them to the depths of darkness. The pure darkness of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness was untouchable by the arrogant Celestial Dragons as they attempted to snuff out the darkness in their desperate attempts.

Second Demise

As Bellerophon marshaled the dark and demonic forces, he faced an unexpected adversary in Solomon - God of Life, the formidable new leader of the forces of light. Despite Bellerophon's cunning strategies and relentless determination, the tide of the war began to shift against the dark forces. Solomon's exceptional leadership, coupled with the infusion of magic, proved to be a potent combination that pushed the dark forces steadily backward.

The Battle of Long Knife marked a pivotal moment in the conflict. Here, Bellerophon confronted Solomon in a head-to-head clash. The light forces, fueled by their leader's divine power and newfound magical prowess, surged forth, overwhelming the dark forces. In a mighty duel, Solomon emerged victorious, demonstrating the vast disparity in power between a Primordial God and a creation like Bellerophon. Defeated for the second time, Bellerophon withdrew from the front lines and would not reappear for the remainder of the war.

  Bellerophon's defeat fractured the unity of the dark forces. Solomon, showing no mercy, pursued and engaged any remnants of Bellerophon's shattered army. His blade became a symbol of divine justice, cutting down all who resisted the forces of light. The light forces capitalized on Bellerophon's absence, reclaiming territory and consolidating their hold on strategic positions. The once-dominant dark forces found themselves on the defensive, their ranks thinning, and morale waning in the face of Solomon's unrelenting onslaught.



The resurgence of Bellerophon, once vanquished by Solomon - God of Life centuries ago, ushered in a new era of darkness and despair, casting a malevolent shadow over the world. Unfettered by opposition, Bellerophon wielded his formidable power, plunging the realm into an abyss of total darkness. This sinister act not only prolonged the Cataclysm but amplified its catastrophic forces, leading to heightened levels of death and suffering. Despite 250 years of tentative healing, Bellerophon's return shattered any illusions of a swift recovery, thrusting the world back into the abyss and extending the cataclysm for an additional 750 years, subjecting the planet to further devastation.

  Throughout this extended period of darkness, nature's fury knew no bounds. The cataclysm unleashed relentless assaults in the form of violent storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various other calamities. The once fertile land was torn asunder once more, resources became scarce, the sun a myth and the surviving races confronted unparalleled hardships.

  In the midst of the cataclysmic chaos, Bellerophon reveled in the darkness he had unleashed. Absorbing the very essence of the shadows, he swelled in power and malevolence, his presence an ominous symbol of despair and destruction looming over the world.

  The combined forces of darkness and the cataclysm set in motion an unending cycle of death and suffering. The once vibrant and flourishing civilizations now languished under the weight of darkness and devastation. Hope for recovery and rebuilding was systematically dashed by the protracted cataclysm and the oppressive rule of Bellerophon.


End of Night

  In the aftermath of the protracted Cataclysm and the oppressive rule of Bellerophon, The Three Goddesses Embarked on an extended and grueling battle against Bellerophon, the Three Goddesses harnessed their combined might and the pristine power of light to wage war against the encroaching shadows. Through unyielding determination and immense sacrifice, they emerged victorious, banishing Bellerophon into eternal defeat and purging his malevolent influence from the world.

  As the radiant power of the Three Goddesses triumphed, the once-veiled sky gradually began to brighten, offering a tentative glimpse of hope and heralding the imminent dawn of a new era. The revitalizing energy of light permeated the earth, breathing life into the dormant landscapes and restoring the vitality of the land that had endured a millennium of darkness.

  With Bellerophon's defeat and the return of light, the races emerged from the shadows, witnessing the rekindling of the sun's rays after a thousand years of oppressive darkness. This pivotal moment marked the inception of a new era—the Era of Gods—where the influence and power of the divine once again asserted itself.

  Guided by the benevolent presence of the Three Goddesses and the restored radiance of light, the world commenced its journey of healing and reconstruction. Filled with renewed hope and unwavering determination, the races collaborated to forge a better future, drawing upon the profound lessons learned from the cataclysm and the tyrannical rule of Bellerophon.

  For 10000 years Bellerophon plagued the world. His malice and cruelty unmatched for they are felt 10000 years later. Bellerophon will forever be etched into the hearts of mortal and god alike.


Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa


Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness


Grapha- God of Death & Darkness


Towards Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa


Divine Classification
Celestial God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Darkness
Endless Night
Harbinger of Aaglafa
Lord of the Night
The Dark Sun
Lord of the Dark Sun
Nightmare King
The Faceless One
Neverborn God
King in the Shadows
Shadow Lord
Dark Lord
The Ender of Dawn
Taker of Light
Undying King
Night God
Currently Held Titles
11000 BC 1000 AC 12000 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Manifested by the will of Grapha
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Three Goddesses
Total Darkness
Related Myths

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