Death Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Death Dragon

Death Dragons, as the name suggests, are dragons associated with death and the forces of the afterlife. They are beings of supernatural power and possess unique traits and characteristics that set them apart from other dragon types. Death Dragons are not bound by the conventional classifications or elemental affiliations, making them mysterious and enigmatic creatures. In their physical form, Death Dragons exhibit distinct features that reflect their connection to death and the realm beyond. Their scales may be dark and mottled, resembling the hues of decaying matter or ethereal shades. Some Death Dragons have bone-like structures protruding from their bodies, giving them a skeletal appearance. Others may possess burning wings, emanating an otherworldly glow that symbolizes the eternal flame of the afterlife.   These dragons are often shrouded in an aura of morbidity and solemnity. Their presence carries an air of darkness and foreboding, evoking a sense of awe and fear in those who encounter them. They have a deep understanding of the cycle of life and death and hold a reverence for the mysteries that lie beyond mortal existence.   Death Dragons are closely associated with necromantic arts and possess powerful abilities related to manipulating and harnessing the forces of death. They have a natural affinity for necromancy, enabling them to control and manipulate souls, raise the dead, and channel the energies of the afterlife. These abilities allow them to wield death as a potent weapon against their enemies or as a means to restore balance and order.   Due to their unique nature and mastery of death-related magic, Death Dragons are often revered or feared as beings of great power and wisdom. They may serve as guardians of ancient tombs, keepers of forbidden knowledge, or even conduits between the mortal realm and the world of spirits. Legends and stories often depict them as enigmatic and elusive creatures, emerging from the shadows only when the balance of life and death is at stake.   The alignment and motivations of Death Dragons can vary greatly. Some may be malevolent beings, drawn to the dark arts and seeking to spread death and despair. Others may be neutral entities, acting as impartial judges or arbiters of the afterlife. There are also instances where Death Dragons align themselves with the forces of good, using their powers to protect and guide souls on their journey beyond mortality.   Encountering a Death Dragon is a rare and awe-inspiring event. Their presence is often accompanied by an intense feeling of gravity and the realization of mortality. Their interactions with other creatures, including mortals, are usually purposeful and calculated, driven by their understanding of the intricate balance between life and death.
Encompassed species

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